Rovak / KJSencha

Ext-JS / Sencha Touch Integration Module for Zend Framework 2
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Formhandler annotation doesn't work #20

Closed 4orever closed 11 years ago

4orever commented 11 years ago

I want to make Object->update() to be a form handler.

I spent some hours to find the reason, but apiBuilder still doesn't append 'formHandler: true' to my method.

Are there any things to do except this?

namespace Backend\Direct\Model;

class Object extends \Backend\Direct\Entity

     * @KJSencha\Annotation\Formhandler

    public function update($entity, $id)
        // TODO: Implement update() method.
        return array();


And this is the module.config.php

'kjsencha' => array(
    'direct' => array(
        'services' => array(
            'Direct.Tree' => 'Backend\Direct\Model\Tree',
            'Direct.Single' => 'Backend\Direct\Model\Object',
            'Direct.Collection' => 'Backend\Direct\Model\Collection',
Rovak commented 11 years ago

Annotations are namespace aware, if you put a backslash in front of the annotation then it should work.

namespace Backend\Direct\Model;

class Object extends \Backend\Direct\Entity
     * @\KJSencha\Annotation\Formhandler
    public function update($entity, $id)
        // TODO: Implement update() method.
        return array();

My preferred way to handle annotations is demonstrated in this file

4orever commented 11 years ago

I have tried '@\KJSencha\Annotation\Formhandler' and 'use KJSencha\Annotation as Ext' + '@Ext\Formhandler' - no result

Here is some additional info about the problem:

4orever commented 11 years ago

I've committed the project to GitHub. Could you try it?

Rovak commented 11 years ago

Thanks, i'll give it a try

Rovak commented 11 years ago

I can't seem to reproduce the problem, when i run your IndexController i recieve a valid ExtJS Api with a formhandler on the update method. Which PHP version are you using? I can add a unit test which could reproduce the problem through Travis CI.

4orever commented 11 years ago

PHP Version 5.3.14

This is the output on http://localhost/backend/

<!DOCTYPE html>    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>PROM-PC v.2</title>    <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var App={"basePath":""};
    <script type="text/javascript">
        Ext.Loader.setConfig({"enabled":true,"paths":{"KJSencha":"\/js\/classes\/KJSencha"}});    //-->

    <script type="text/javascript">
        Ext.syncRequire([""]);    //-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        //<!--{"type":"kjsenchamoduleremoting","url":"\/kjsencha\/rpc\/","actions":{"Direct.Tree":[{"name":"read","len":2},{"name":"update","len":2},{"name":"create","len":2},{"name":"destroy","len":2}],"Direct.Single":[{"name":"read","len":2},{"name":"create","len":2},{"name":"update","len":2},{"name":"destroy","len":2}],"Direct.Collection":[{"name":"read","len":2},{"name":"create","len":2},{"name":"update","len":2},{"name":"destroy","len":2}],"KJSencha.echo":[{"name":"__construct","len":1},{"name":"greet","len":1}]}});    //-->
    </script>    </head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/backend/js/app.js"></script>
Rovak commented 11 years ago

The tests are green, you can try and run them locally by running the ant build. Could you check if the tests work locally, if they do then i have to look into your application further.

4orever commented 11 years ago

Thank you for helping me!

Sorry, I'm not familiar in UnitTesting. So I'll describe my steps and you'll check it, please.

  1. I've downloaded latest version of module from here:
  2. Copied composer.phar
  3. Run php composer.phar install
  4. Then I opened new project and run tests in 'phpunit.xml.dist' using Jetbrains PhpStorm and Zend Server with PEAR/PHPUnit 3.4.12 installed. I had to cutoff < logging > section, there are no required tools in my installation for it.

Here is the result:

Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 10.25Mb

OK (9 tests, 37 assertions)

Process finished with exit code 0

P.S. I had to comment this lines:

$this->assertInstanceOf('Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response', $result);

$this->assertInstanceOf('Zend\View\Model\JsonModel', $result);

Because of error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method KJSenchaTest\Frontend\DirectControllerTest::assertInstanceOf() in C:\Projects\KJSencha-master\tests\KJSenchaTest\Controller\DirectControllerTest.php on line 98

I think something wrong with my PHPUnit installation or IDE. But this lines have no matter in our case(?)

Rovak commented 11 years ago

The steps you have taken look good, you have to upgrade your PHPUnit version, according to the source that method is available since 3.5.0

I'm not familiar with Zend Server and how this affects annotation parsing, you may have a configuration difference between your cli and web environment.

To verify this could you try and run the KJSenchaExample without any modifications and submit the Profile form? If this works then i'm sure its something in your application code.

4orever commented 11 years ago

I've tried KJSenchaExample before posting the issue. It works correctly. Then I was looking for important differences with my code, but found nothing. I can upgrade PHPUnit and PHP, also I can install XAMPP or smth like that, but I think problem is in other place. How did you test my code? Did you open http://localhost/backend/ and check output HTML and

Rovak commented 11 years ago

I tested both the IndexAction and ApiAction using the /backend/ url. In IndexAction i replaced the code with this:

public function indexAction() {
    return array();

I will take a further look into your code tomorrow

4orever commented 11 years ago

Ok, thank you! I'll try to test it on Unix server.

4orever commented 11 years ago

On UNIX it works great!

I will try to install XAMPP instead of Zend Studio tomorrow.

4orever commented 11 years ago

No result with XAMPP.

I decided to play with KJSecnhaExmaple and... It's incredible, but when I copied Direct\Form\Profile.php, renamed the file and class name and run script - it didn't work!

But if you rename Profile.php and its class, or modify it, or add new @Formhandler method - everything works good.

4orever commented 11 years ago

Problem solved!

Answer found here:

Try to convert the line endings from Windows to Unix style.

F%cking Windows! I spent lots of time!

P.S. May be post it as a bug of Zend/Reflection?

Rovak commented 11 years ago

Good to hear that you found the solution! I'm not sure if this is considered as a bug because Zend Framwork 2 conforms to the PSR 2 code standard which forces the UNIX line ending (source)

Most IDE's have the option to automatically convert line endings to UNIX style, which i would recommend using. This is maybe why i couldn't reproduce the problem.

I'm closing this issue as fixed, if you have any other questions feel free to open another issue.