Scaffolding a CRUD controller (Start with a sample entity called Widget)
Id (key, int)
Name (string)
Description (string)
Price (double)
CreatedAt (datetime)
UpdatedAt (datetime)
Customizing a scaffolded CRUD controller
Modifying the form to remove unnecessary fields (let's say a date created field)
Show that fields can be removed and default values assigned in the controller action methods
Updating your form after new fields are added to Widget
-- Add a string field to Widget called Color
-- Show how to update your controller, forms to save the color
Adding Tags to Widgets
Create a new Entity called Tag
Id (key, int)
Name (string)
List<Widget> Widgets { get; set; }
Update Widget to include tags, Add
List<Tag> Tags
Use seeding to create new default tags (create a folder called Widget in Infrastructure that has a Seeding folder, create a class implementing ISeeder)
A few tags to get you started:
CRUD Scaffolding
Scaffolding a CRUD controller (Start with a sample entity called Widget)
Customizing a scaffolded CRUD controller
Adding Tags to Widgets