RoverRobotics / roverrobotics_ros2

Rover Robotics ROS2 Packages
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Faulty Odometry Data and Battery Status, /cmd_vel issue #38

Open myrkvior444 opened 3 days ago

myrkvior444 commented 3 days ago

Hi Im using rover pro 4wd model with an OS: Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS 2 Humble. After successfully cloning this repository, I tried to check the data published on the odometry topic and battery status respectively, to my surprise the values reflected on both topics are 0, meaning the battery voltage is 0V and the odometry data for linear velocity is 0 m/s even though i manually inputted the value 0.3 on the /cmd_vel geometry.msgs/Twist topic. Also speaking of the /cmd_vel. If I increased my publishing rate to 5, the speed of the motor is speeding up instead of maintaining my inputted linear velocity. battery_status cmd_vel odometry_wheels