RowanMaBoot / SevenKingdoms-master

Repository for the Total Conversion mod "The Seven Kingdoms"
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[ISSU] Minor Issues Log #21

Closed RowanMaBoot closed 5 years ago

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Please list all current issues that need to be dealt with, and any things that need to be done. This will be the centre for all of our minor TODOs and Bugfixes. I've been fairly busy, so a lot of stuff has gone over my head.


The follow issues merely require confirmation of successful fix.

The following issues have been put on hold due to work scope versus what is to be gained from it.

Feature TODO

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Well, the holding can be done. I can do it. Thats why earlier I was making the 7 holdings for each province.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Nah, sadly that isn't how it works.

I'm fairly certain it's all managed through a text file 00_province_setup.txt in the province_setup folder. You'd need to set up every single province in that file, all thousand plus of them, to have the correct max settlements. It needs to be the current number of possible holdings or higher in a province.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Hmm. Ok. I thought the prov setup was just for terrain and basic info for each county. But no worries.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

I think the only thing that matters is the max_settlements=X value for each province. Could be wrong though, I'm taking a jab in the dark since I've found nothing on the subject.

Adding holdings beyond the prebuilt holdings in the provinceDefs.xls tool results in ignored holdings (it only pulls data from the built holdings), so filling beyond the 4_4 is ignored entirely.

It'll pull the names from unbuilt holdings so long as they are between the max/min holdings of the province, but say your province has a max of four holdings, any data you put in columns five and six will be ignored completely. You can check many of the files yourself and see this.



b_braavos = city
b_titan_di_braavos = castle
b_larsenale = castle
#b_porto_viola = city
#b_porto_di_ragia = city
#b_pasubio = city
#b_temple_of_the_moon = temple


b_braavos = city
b_titan_di_braavos = castle
b_larsenale = castle
b_porto_viola = city
b_porto_di_ragia = city
b_pasubio = city
b_temple_of_the_moon = temple


b_braavos = city
#b_titan_di_braavos = castle
blackninja9939 commented 7 years ago

Province setup doesn't actually need to have anything in it, a blank file is fine

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Ah, do you know by chance what controls the adding of extra holdings through that Reaper's Due event chain? I've been told that it currently it doesn't do anything, and some have even reported a crash.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

rip_prosperity_events is where this is found: its province_event = { #Reclaim Land id = RIP.11705 title = PROSPERITY_TITLE desc = RIP.11705.d

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Will check it out.

Some dude (Exogriz) actually explained what the issue is, and I think it has nothing to do with the event itself. Indeed, it's the issue you get when you have no defined title name for a holding, so it is always greyed out. It is in fact exactly what you were talking about tsf4.

Basically, it looks like we need to manually go through every province file and then add excess barony names up to the max of seven for each province. The ProvinceDefs.xls doesn't do this for us, which sucks, so it's manual edits. I'll post on the mapfiller thread however, and see if the author of that tool would be willing to update the tool at all.

Edit: Posted

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

I know that if we were to fill up those slots in the tool, that would cover our landed titles, because it would put all of the seven baronies in there under the province. Now for province history files, we would need to do manual edits, as you said. I am all for assigning that potential project to me.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, having just done a test, nothing gets written at all beyond those slots. So there is no reason to touch provinceDefs.xls, as baronies are not defined in the landed_titles file. They're purely handled in the province file itself.

Example of changed files when reducing the max settlements only:

There is an alternative - set the max slots for every holding to seven in the provincedefs, fill every slot, then manually override the number of holdings to less than seven in the province_setup.txt for those that should have less than seven.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Ok. Thats weird then that they are recorded in landed titles. But oh well.

So how would we go about changing the baronies in the prov hist files?

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Well, if you want to do it manually you literally define the extra baronies by adding, below the existing barony defs:

b_barony_ze_capital b_barony_someplace

b_name_1 <- add this

b_name_2 <- add this

In the province history files (history/provinces)

The alternative method will be easier. Boils down to fill every single cell in provinceDefs.xls, set every single province to be x_7, use the tool - every province has a max of 7 holdings, then do the max holding reduction stuff in the province_setup file.

However, we could just wait and see what JonStryker comes back with, if it is at all interested in updating the tool - we're not the only ones who would benefit from it. Indeed, anyone making a mod since Reaper's Due would.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Hmm ok. I say lets see what Jon has to say before we try anything.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

I've realised I can't properly add new traits or consolidate the mess that is our traits folder without breaking savegame compat, so will leave new traits and re-org until we make wider (savegame breaking) changes.

Unless there is no issue from ya'll in regards to breaking saves (which I'm not for, given the multiplayer games going on at the moment).

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

I'm considering further nerfs to individual baronies. I need to know what ya'll think about current:

We've currently got a situation in which individual baronies provide 1-4k depending on the barony, with upwards of 8k due to a wide number of modifiers and uniques (numbers need clarifying). This leads to the Stepstones having nearly 30k men, whilst Kingdoms such as the Reach have around 50-70k at the start.

Not quite the 15k-20k per barony in the submod, however.

I'm looking to solve this in a few ways:

We've currently got 1400 provinces, with a total of roughly 1500 if we count oceans and rivers. I've got some overhauls of the Vale and the Riverlands in the pipeline, plus extra islands, so I'm currently skeptical about whether or not this is a good idea....

Vierwood is asking for an expansion of Essos, in that we add the Rhoynar(?). This can be done, but I'm uncertain if this would be a good thing. He wants roughly 30 provinces added, but as I've said - every province has an impact. Thoughts?

For reference, Vanilla has around 1k provinces, AGoT not far off. Obviously we're very barebones on mechanics and all that, which is why the experience is currently a lot smoother, but y'know... Bloat and all that down the line.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

I definitely think across the map we have too much development that should only be characteristic to places that are important capitals and ports. I have always thought the approach which would have it where with alot of time and gold and perhaps prestige you can build up your keep/town/etc, but everything wouldn't be as developed as 1400s western europe, which is how our first bookmark feels like to me. If a Stepstones pirate would build himself up enough, he could be strong & take perhaps a port or another island. But yes, by a barony being fully maxed it would have 2-4k men.

So, maybe just a reduction in amount that is built at start would be the best. I like the current buildings A TON and would hate to see them altered before we deal with tech, like Rowan said above. Or, we make more levels of buildings, like I have done with the cultural buildings implemented so far.

In regards to expansion of the map area, I am ok with adding, but would first prefer any additions to deal with the mod's central focus of the actual Seven Kingdoms. Also, if we bring the Rhoynar into the fold, we would have to somehow deal with the migration of Nymeria and the Rhoynar people, and so I have to vote "no" on any expansion in Essos.

Vierwood commented 7 years ago

Just thought I'd post the issue here. Some characters spawn into the game with no education trait (Skilled tactician, Midas Thouched, etc.), so they instantly become incapable. Some characters in the history (even though they are long dead) are also incapable.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Was fixed, was due to Amr.

DeveloperAmr commented 7 years ago

The Dragon events weren't commented so it messed around.

On 8 Jul 2017 10:50 pm, "Rowan" wrote:

Was fixed, was due to Amr.

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RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

New issues:

Vierwood commented 7 years ago

Fixed the helmet issue.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Rewriting the combat education events. Should be somewhat more complex, but cleaner and considerably better in functionality. [✓][✓][✓][✓][✓][✓]

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Side tracked a little. Got the mip-map done. Was at it for nigh on four hours, but should be good now. Well, good enough.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

A lot done today. Kinda burned myself out, so don't be surprised if I don't push much over the next few days. Lemme know how it all works - the society, minimap, how many combat traits are handed out and all that.

The changes I've pushed will break internal saves made within use of the development build, but should be OKAY with non-dev saves. Which is something I'll say here Vierwood before I forget. When you mentioned you were save editing Mura, make sure you were using A7 and not our active dev build (I added more traits which sit before some of the new traits).

blackninja9939 commented 7 years ago

As long as you add traits in the last loaded trait files it will not break old saves

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Yeah, they'll be last for public builds (since two new files were added, both loading last), but internally it would have messed things up since I added some traits to file A (secret religion traits) even though the last loaded file (file B) already had traits in it.

Only really an issue for Vier, since he was messing around with saves made in A7 (public release) with the dev build, so they would have been broken by that (but not saves made in the public release, if that makes sense).

I've just put up a test 'dueling' event chain between commanders. I'm not sure if it works, or well but it's there for ya'll. It's primitive and has some major flaws with it (not entirely sure how to go about doing it better) but should be simple enough since it's very circumstantial.

Gameplay wise I think it should be OK and probably won't cause desyncs, since it's not bouncing around so many different values between different targets but I'm not 100% sure.

Edit: Doesn't actually work, will go back to it tomorrow when I'm awake. =P

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Alright, event chain is working.

Will cease if the battle finishes, so needs some work still (need to use the save target function to save the 'victim' so it isn't lost when the battle finishes, as I presume that is what is happening).

Also need to add more flavour options and flags, depending on the results so it is a be more informative as to what has happened. After it is golden, I can turn it into a personal interaction duel system as well if need be.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Suggestions given by some people who have contacted me on Steam:

Just letting you guys know ;)

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Yeah, AI doesn't declare a whole lot of war at the moment. I'll allow Seven Faith followers to declare war more frequently if the target is old_gods. As for the other stuff, I just messaged Vierwood in case he doesn't know already. ;)

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Yeah I dont mind the wars right now but I want them to be more random. Sounds good!

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Got a CTD playing as a random gen'd count in Braavos. Last thing happened was that artifact was lost, but I don't know who or how etc. About 2 years in game.

DeveloperAmr commented 7 years ago


tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Crash to desktop

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it's due to the added trade routes. We're awaiting some feedback from blackninja, in case he can work out what might be causing it. Issue is obscure, so depending on whether or not he finds anything will basically determine if he have trade routes in any upcoming version.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Ok. In a way it relieves me because its not a deeper issue :) Also, trade bogs down game speed anyway. So not missing TOO much without it.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

@Altemio - observe game ran till 6600 when I was checking out the map, and scrolling across the narrow sea to the Freehold. I keep seeing [triggerimplementation.cpp:14463]: Script Assert! assert: "Scope.GetLandedTitle()->IsValid() && "Wrong Scope in CIsPrimaryHolderTitleTrigger!"", type: "is_primary_holder_title", location: " file: common/objectives/00_factions.txt line: 34" in the error log, as well as [triggerimplementation.cpp:22061]: Script Assert! assert: "_SocietyTarget.GetToken() == _secret_religiouscult && "Invalid Society in CSocietyMemberTrigger!"", type: "society_member_of", location: " file: common/scripted_triggers/00_scripted_triggers.txt line: 2180"

But checking these 2 things out, I am not sure what to do. So thought you should know.

blackninja9939 commented 7 years ago

First one means you are using a condition in a context that is not appropriate.

Second one is that you are referencing an entity that doesn't exist.

So in your two examples you are using is_primary_holder_title in a context that isn't a title and the second one is you referencing a society that you don't have in the mod.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

The first one has to do with the loyalist faction:

Requirements to create the faction (checks the title holder/ruler)

allow = {
    OR = {
        is_primary_holder_title = yes
        higher_tier_than = DUKE
    prisoner = no

How would we fix this then?

Second one is the devil_worshipper trigger, which references vanilla's "satan" societies. How do we fix these then? Is the trigger ok without having any society listed in there? Or do I need to make a general "dark" society? I figure deleting the entire trigger wouldn't be good since its used in a lot of files.

blackninja9939 commented 7 years ago

For the is_primary_holder_title = yes it needs to be in the scope of a title, so scope to a title and then use the conditions. It seems like you just copy and pasted the conditions used from other factions but forgot to modify them on the grounds the other factions are not a character type faction but a liege_title type so all scopes default to pointing to the title.

For the second one, ideally you should actually go through your events and and remove references to the societies and the scripted triggers or overwrite the entire folder with replace_path in your .mod file. As that way you can remove/comment out the scripted trigger as it is not used anywhere.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Yeah, that faction was one of the first things I did so I literally copied and pasted it from one of the other factions (primogeniture I think). Just did a quick fix and dropped that line, so it should stop spawning that error.

I've nulled the is_devil_worshiper_trigger but wiping the contents of the trigger. If I'm understanding always = no, it won't ever be valid now. Kept it in case we want to add some demon cults or whatever to the mod down the line.

Crashing should be gone now, trade routes have been dropped. I've also removed the test duel event chain until I get round to doing it properly, since my rewrite sorta got nuked by Amr (due to an error). So you shouldn't get event spam anymore.

blackninja9939 commented 7 years ago

There are likely references to many other vanilla things elsewhere, actually going through and checking the uses of things is better than sticking always = no as that can be false if you check NOT = { always = no } which I believe will cause some slight weirdness.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Ah good point. I'll have to go through it proper later then.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

What do people think about mercs right now? I have added in most of the "historical" ones which would exist in our time, but are we missing any others? what do you guys think about their strength? with the local "non-historical" ones I intend to make them like extra troops to help you out but yet not be as strong as the "main/historical" merc bands.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

There are some pathfinding problems with the map in Pentos. A religious revolt had 16k men, and went to siege Gravagliana, which is an island in the Narrow Sea off the coast of Pentos.

Even after he occupied the province, his army disappeared. It still exists "somewhere" but I cannot find it and it says the leader is still in gravagliana. So for 10 years the war score never changes, and even with my men on boats, I still cant get them to actually move to the province.


LeGrandiSlayer commented 7 years ago

Here are some bugs I had found about two weeks back when I was doing a 100 year test run as the Daynes. Note that some of these are not really bugs, but balance issues as well.

-The Free cities under Valyria can launch kingdom subjugations, which has caused some oddities such as the rainwood being under the control of Myr, and Braavos being eaten by Pentos. -Too easy to reach legendary duelist status, with most children reaching legendary status by the age of nine, with or without a legendary tutor -The Reach and the Stormlands are never under any pressure to convert to the Seven, nor do they ever convert -Dawn is not lost upon inheritance, thus meaning the player can't reclaim dawn again -Temples are still inherited by their feudal lieges -Add straits from Star Isle to the Starfall, and from sunflower hall to Sun Isle. Also maybe look into adding straits between the Arbor, Wyneshield, Wyneport, and maybe oldwyne. Also a strait from Blood Bridge to either jackal's den or Brimstone, and Ghaston grey to the greyport, and from Cape Wrath to Turtlemont. -The Marches was not attacked by the Reach, but it did get attacked by the Stormlands and by the Boneway a bit, all county conquests though -Gods eye still becomes a nomadic nation

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reports! Will go through them and see what I can do.

I'll nerf the Free Cities so Pentos can only war Andalos using some sort of county-conquest colonisation CB.

Pretty sure the training should be better now. Zero bumped up the MTTH a bit, and I'll do some more finetuning as to what traits affect the events too.

How do you guys think we should go about the whole realm conversion for AI? Should we have some pulse events with missionaries, where you can embrace or turn them away? Could even lead to an adventurer threat sort of invasion if you deny them too much, perhaps.

Amr said you can use the decision to reclaim Dawn after it has been destroyed - this not the case? Will probably just scrap his events if it isn't working.

Marches will be sorted with the next CK2 version, as they will be established as protectorates/tributaries of the Reach/Stormlands depending on the March in question.

I'm really getting irked with temples and theocracies. Don't get why they are not working or why they keep defaulting to nomadic governments.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

So, governments are changing to other governments on title holder's death. Myr became a regular republic (unplayable), Wildlings became regular tribal, & pirates changed from pirate gov to feudalism to eastern feudalism.

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Free Cities going republic might have to do with some of their vassals being republic and not merchant republics. As I add families and such we should see this resolved a bit.

RowanMaBoot commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the heads up! Thought I fixed the issue, so kinda stumped as to the cause.

Merchant Republics cannot have Merchant Republic vassals, ignoring the five noble houses, but can have regular republics (city holders) as vassals. Issues might crop up if the rulers of the noble houses are of the incorrect government.

I'd look into it, but I've hardly had the time to even think about turning on my PC recently, so might be a while. Further reports on it will be great though!

tannerflick4 commented 7 years ago

Yeah! The problem is we want to not have republic gov because then we cannot play those chars. But, not a huge deal as of now.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:36 PM, Rowan wrote:

Thanks for the heads up! Thought I fixed the issue, so kinda stumped as to the cause.

Merchant Republics cannot have Merchant Republic vassals, ignoring the five noble houses, but can have regular republics (city holders) as vassals. Issues might crop up if the rulers of the noble houses are of the incorrect government.

I'd look into it, but I've hardly had the time to even think about turning on my PC recently, so might be a while. Further reports on it will be great though!

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