RowanMaBoot / SevenKingdoms-master

Repository for the Total Conversion mod "The Seven Kingdoms"
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[June/July Release] Current Issues / Plans #33

Closed RowanMaBoot closed 6 years ago

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Please dump known issues or TODOs here - steam isn't really an efficient place, as I use steam on my phone and therefore am unable to usually keep track of reports made to me directly.

Will add more in a bit. Please contribute whatever needs to be done for this month's release.

Ruler Designer Crash:

Vierwood commented 6 years ago
RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Ingame use the decision, then use test_event commands to check to see if the events are even registering and/or if you are meeting the criteria..

Not entire sure why. Going to need to look into this. Hopefully getting a five day weekend this weekend, so I'll be able to look into a bunch of things.

Work in progress, so to be expected. It shouldn't fire at all now.

Run a game, let it desync as the host and then upload all logs here so I can go through them and see if anything was reported. It is almost certainly going to be an event related issue.

Though I wonder if your weird portrait issue (causing RD crash) could be somehow related. We're seeing lots of character weirdness, including crashing when selecting certain characters according to reports.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

[triggerimplementation.cpp:25250]: Script Assert! message: is_offmap_tag: invalid scope, assert: "Scope.GetCharacter()->IsValid()", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/jd_grace_decisions.txt line: 1425"

Lots of errors like this in the files we use with the offmap...

I would like if someone could look into these type issues, as well as why the player is not getting notified when the Freehold does something (status change, new ruler, war declared, etc) - as someone who likes to know what all is going on, this is upsetting me ! lol

I am also getting weird error log stuff with the severe_disability_trigger in scripted triggers. it says its invalid for some reason, yet everything looks fine and (i think) is same as what vanilla has.

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

@Altemio the missionary event is semi-broken. If you challenge the priest and he rises up his army quickly disappears and the war ends inconclusively.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Thanks, will look into it when I'm out of work, if I get a chance.

Also given tanner's work on retinues, should we consider adding them? Or just leave them as a free-cities feature?

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

IMO, with looking at lore more, I think our inclusion of mercenary bands (we are going to have much more than vanilla) means we dont need to use retinues. Armies were always levies, and mercs.

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

I agree with the mercs being retinues. Lux Invicta has a system where holy orders act more like regiments and legions for certain nations.

@tannerflick4 also one thing I've noticed is the cultural buildings seem to be a little overpowered. I'd quarter the amount of troops they give, 1000 men for 350 seems kinda overkill.

@Altemio check your steam chat.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Ok. I can fix that. I guess I just wanted to have a building which could give a lot. But I understand it needs to be balanced.

Edit: Quartering the troop amounts is working good.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

By the way, someone is working on some more unique buildings for us with descriptions too. He/she said they should be 95% accurate to the lore.

@Altemio @Vierwood what are your plans for our next release, and when?

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

@Vierwood I don't have steam access from work - my sister has been using my account, so if she hasn't been offline on chat then it isn't me ignoring messages. Will read them when I get a chance, having a long week and will be off tuesday/wednesday (or wednesday/thursday, I've forgotten).

@tannerflick4 We'll be having a release this month. Whilst some teams do weekly releases, I think it'd be better and safer to do monthly given our team size. Plus it does mean each update will seem and feel more substantial. No real plans other than bug fixing, since adding more when the mod itself is borderline broke probably ain't great as far as ideas go.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response. I sent a Steam chat message a week or so ago, but you don't need to reply now :)

I too agree on the monthly update. Somehow, people are really having problems getting the mod to "tick" in the launcher and/or load up, as well as crashing during game, which is weird since I can load it up and run it for long periods (observe) in game. So I offered some private shared links, but that didnt seem to help. I had thought Steam was the problem maybe, but apparently its just the mod.

I have been real happy at some of our edits and fixes and small additions since the last update.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

If they can't tick/enable it via the launcher, that is due to it still downloading - this is going to be a common reported issue due to the size of the mod and the joy that is steam (and is, even. If the mod doesn't show, it is likely because they have the launcher open on sub OR they opened the launcher too quickly after subbing). Part of the reason why I don't like Steam Workshop a whole lot.

Weird they can't enable the mod via manual download, no reason for that.

Lot of crashing is likely going to be due to owning certain DLCs or not owning certain DLCs and the events we have. Not that they are requirement, but more an issue of how we've bung a bazillion events in and have been slowly modifying them rather than adding fully adapted ones from the get-go.

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

Also a DLC portrait pack for our mod was released on the workshop with my blessing. At least I don't have to do that now.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

So, should we enable it or do your portrait edits already include dlc assets?

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

My portraits don't enable DLC portraits. His submod is really good as far as I can tell.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

ok. so would you reccomend enabling them all the time?

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

@Vierwood Still need to fix our 'vanilla' portraits though... Just grab a version from before the crashing, and re-merge your changes testing each step of the way (if you haven't fixed the crash already, that is!)

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

@Altemio the guy who made the DLC portrait pack is also making a CPR+ pack. While he was working on it he apparently fixed the crash. I'm going to give him our current dev version so he can fix it.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago


tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Hey @Altemio can you look into why buildings are being repeated/duplicated? Its some of the regular buildings, and were getting reports of some oddities showing up. I tried to look but couldnt find anything wrong.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

@tannerflick4 is this player report, or behaviour we are seeing from our end? What holdings if so?

If it is player sided behaviour, then it will likely be due to them using other mods in conjunction with our mod.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

I can recall seeing some repeats, but didnt take too much note of them, assuming it might just be user error on my part. I will keep a close eye on them from now on.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

@Altemio I have been talking with a map modder who goes by Shade & Bonelorde, and he wants to know if he can check our map out and potentially make changes with trees, and colors, etc.

I told him I would message you on here about it.

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

I ran the mod all last night and it went for around 900 years before crashing.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

That is really good! I cant believe it went that long. I would have thought 500 years.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't crash at all, sadly. If you crash, please zip up and send me all of your log files, so I can go through them and see if we saw any major errors. Aim down the line is to have zero errors.

A lot of people are reporting crashes with various characters and cultures too...

(from work)

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

@Altemio - I did find some castle buildings which were being repeated. This screenshot was taken in the Stormlands.


RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Easy fix - when you copied the castle resource building tree, you didn't change castle to temple (see my commit) so all of their buildings were for castles.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Oh gosh lol. Thanks for finding that fix!

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago


@Altemio @Vierwood we have another bug on our hands. The peasant revolts and religion revolts are not being launched against anyone in an actual war, nor do they exist for very long. I was finally able to grab this guy's pic on the day he was created. There are no invalid war or 1 day peaces being made, or if they are they are not logging correctly. I did notice a few lines in error log dealing with rebel events old gods file.

Also, the wildlings who hold a castle are being switched to Westerosi Feudalism government. And we probably need a diff icon for the BTW old gods heresy, since right now it uses the faith of the seven icon lol

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

That would be the missionary events, which have been fixed internally (I think), as I was a dumbass and copy-pasted the events from vanilla without adjusting the scopes - so there is nothing wrong with the event itself, it was just not picking the correct target (the event was originally meant to be fired from a province rather than a character)..

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Gotcha! Hah no problem. I figured it was something with the scope tying it to whoever rules the province.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Your icon and Wildling Government issues should now be fixed!! :)

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

I've just added modifiers to every single culture. Not all are meant to be equal, but feel free to tweak, nerf or buff.

--from work, as usual

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Next problem :) - the Smith heresy I added, it seems to be throwing up errors related to its secret religion code, yet I have been through it and nothing was missing, although I did take out the ability to secretly convert to the Seven heresies through their holy site provinces. If you guys could take a look, that'd be great. There is still some more secret religion tidying to do, but Smith (and other on-map & possible religions) have all been completed. This might just be some error log being wonky too.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Mind popping the errors here? I'm at work for 9-12 hours a day with erratic days off (during which I either have nothing to do with computers or simply game) so I can't pull any logs.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

These are odd too, since it all seemed to check out fine in files:

in connection with above ?

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type default

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type permanent

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type offmap

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type nomadic

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type march

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type confederation

[tributary.cpp:79]: Invalid CB type () used in Tributary type freehold_tributary

Smith stuff

[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 166" [triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 381" [effectimplementation.cpp:1228]: Script Assert! message: Unknown modifier type!, assert: "_pModifier", type: "id", location: "" [triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 1787" [triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 1992" [triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: common/scripted_effects/00_scripted_effects.txt line: 17204" [effectimplementation.cpp:1228]: Script Assert! message: Unknown modifier type!, assert: "_pModifier", type: "id", location: ""

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

CB Stuff:

Please let me know if any CB errors remain. Vierwood had manually commented out all of the lines of a few CB, so one of the lines had been left un-commented by accident (please use ctrl+shift+q in notepad++ to comment out entire blocks).

Guessing tributary stuff is related to the above too.

As for Smith, pushed a fix - also note the following:

[triggerimplementation.cpp:8221]: Script Assert! assert: "_pModifier && "HasProvinceModifier: modifier doesn't exist"", type: "none", location: " file: decisions/mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt line: 166"

Line: 166 is the line the error is occurring. Going to the erroneous lines, I can see:

secret_the_smith_community hasn't been defined. secret_harpy_community hasn't been defined.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Glad we got this fixed. I sometimes forget the event_modifiers file since its not as heavy with SR code than others. And I'll check out that line.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

CB errors are gone, although those "tributary cb invalid" lines are not.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

@Vierwood - this event seems to invalidate the next event and might have something to do with whats in the "if" statement:

Bastard Nickname Effect

character_event = { id = tsk.0115 desc = EVTDESCtsk.0115 picture = GFX_evt_greekwoman border = GFX_event_normal_frame_religion' hide_window = yes is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
    if = {
      limit = { trait = bastard }   


option = {
    name = EVTOPTAtsk.0115


RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Working event below (already committed). There were a few issues with that event:

character_event = {
    id = tsk.0115
    desc = EVTDESCtsk.0115

    picture = GFX_evt_greekwoman
    border = GFX_event_normal_frame_religion

    hide_window = yes
    is_triggered_only = yes

    potential = {
        trait = bastard

    immediate = {
        bastard_nickname_mother_effect = yes

@Vierwood the above also probably fixed the knightly minor title...

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

Danke, I'm still learning all this event shit, so don't expect it to be pretty.

Also the minor title still isn't being given out through the history files, so I doubt this would fix it.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Still getting the bastard event effect even for normal kids.


RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I derped and used potential = { } instead of trigger = { } but at least we know the event works now. Since been fixed.

I also fixed the broken event modifiers, we were using a province.gfx file from before jade_dragon. It also had a lot of province culture related changes, but not sure from where. If need be you guys may need to remerge your changes.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

@Altemio @Vierwood Do we want to let people test out the mod? A discord server member asked.

I would be okay with it if you two are. I guess we would give them the latest github commit in a zipped form, so they cant spread the link.

Vierwood commented 6 years ago

I don't see why not. As long as we're not breaking any forum rules. cough cough

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Yes I agree. I just want to make sure we are all 100% with it.

RowanMaBoot commented 6 years ago

Yeah it's fine - although I wouldn't recommend giving randos links. Quite a few people asking for direct downloads don't own the game.

tannerflick4 commented 6 years ago

Hmm. What would be best way to let them test then?