Rowdy-Avocado / Rowdycado-Extensions

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CineZone Down #54

Closed AlanAAL closed 4 days ago

AlanAAL commented 3 weeks ago

CineZone is down, "No Links Found" in every movie and show

Deaconist commented 2 weeks ago

It worked for me this morning, but stopped a couple of hours later. Looks like their website has added some kind of security or bot check and broken the extension.

rushi-chavan commented 2 weeks ago

I am not sure as I am not facing any issues but if the home page is loading and you are facing no links found error. the latest update should fix that issue. 357bd51 If your home page is not working, you are probably facing a Cloudflare issue and I am afraid we cannot do much about it right now.

rushi-chavan commented 4 days ago

It seems like a personal issue as it works fine for other users. Try using any VPN (like + WARP on play store)