RowitZou / topic-dialog-summ

AAAI-2021 paper: Topic-Oriented Spoken Dialogue Summarization for Customer Service with Saliency-Aware Topic Modeling.
MIT License
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two questiones #26

Closed wac81 closed 2 years ago

wac81 commented 2 years ago
  1. how to replace bert pretrained model ,which file can be modified? like BART from fackbook
  2. Are complete training data used
RowitZou commented 2 years ago
  1. models/, line 44:

         self.encoder = Bert(args.bert_dir, args.finetune_bert)

    You could replace BERT with other pre-trained encoders, e.g., Roberta. However, seq2seq architectures like BART are not supported yet, because we designed our own decoder.

  2. Yes.

wac81 commented 2 years ago

RuntimeError: Given normalized_shape=[768], expected input with shape [*, 768], but got input of size[4, 4, 1024]

i try Roberta model,but got error , could you give me all modify suggestion for code or args?

wac81 commented 2 years ago

it's done. i fixed all args according to the prompt