RoxyDevo / fexor

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Issues #1

Open ctrlkohl opened 2 years ago

ctrlkohl commented 2 years ago

So your saying that I make alts to report you? HAHAHA that's fucking hilarious. Let's see what you did. You posted Eclipse v1 Launcher on Github without my permission. Second you make false accusations of calling my shit skidded which is false. Thirdly you think you can code even tho you can't even code in c++ hello world. Have fun little child

ctrlkohl commented 2 years ago

and if you think you can post my shit on github or any other source distributing website please make sure to read cutie <3 xoxo

ctrlkohl commented 2 years ago

and if you think imgui is fucking coding fucking please. imgui is easy to import into your project xD

ctrlkohl commented 2 years ago

You can't even include imgui which isn't fucking hard. WHICH proves you're a skid

ctrlkohl commented 2 years ago

You really think you can call me a skid and put my code on github for everyone to see. Firstly I put the launcher on my github so you don't need to. You think you know everything. Your backend is neonite and storm so don't even fucking start. You want to get attention desperately so you resort to this. I can contact kemo right now and get your shit fucked as your skidding Neonite. So honey please if you want me to fucking report you with my friends I can gladly do it :) and if you want to skid anyone else please make sure to give credit to me when you posted my source. you are a immature little child who won't get far in life if you keep going this path