Change plt_lin array to a dictionary and implament this change in plotting the lines and finding peaks. Not sure if this is necessary, but it seems more useful than having an array of arrays. Square brackets around some line names (such as [ArIII]) are meant to be that way.They are called "forbidden lines." The proposed dictionary is as follows:
Change plt_lin array to a dictionary and implament this change in plotting the lines and finding peaks. Not sure if this is necessary, but it seems more useful than having an array of arrays. Square brackets around some line names (such as [ArIII]) are meant to be that way.They are called "forbidden lines." The proposed dictionary is as follows:
pltlin = {'[ArIII] 7136':7136.97, #wavelengths are in angstroms 'OI':11287, '[OII] 7319':7319.0, '[SII] 6718':6718.95, '[SiIII]':9069, 'SiI':15880, 'CaI':22630, 'MgI 15750':15750, 'MgI 17110':17110, 'HeI 10830':10830, 'HeI 20520':20520, 'HeII 8239':8239.26, 'HeII 20580':20580, 'CaII 8544':8544.44, 'CaII 8498':8498, 'CaII 8662':8662, '[FeII] 9202':9202, '[FeII]12600':12600, '[FeII]16440':16440, 'H${2}$ 19570':19570, 'H${2}$ 21210':21210, r'Pa${\alpha}$':18750.1, r'Pa${\beta}$':12818.1, r'Pa${\gamma}$':10938, r'Pa$\delta$':10049.8, r'Pa$\epsilon$':9545,#9546.2 'NaI':22080}