RoyalBingBong / meView

Image Viewer that also allows playback of webm and mp4
ISC License
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MeView fails to open file when `#` character is in the path #18

Open gladstonedigital opened 6 years ago

gladstonedigital commented 6 years ago

I read through the closed issues and couldn't find mention of this, so I don't think it's been fixed yet. Meview doesn't seem able to open a file that has the character # in the path to it. In this particular case, the # is not in the file's name but in the name of a higher level folder in the path.

I haven't tried other special characters but I would imagine they're broken as well. I know in web programming you can fix this issue with something like this, but I'm not sure how you'd do it in the framework you're using.

gladstonedigital commented 6 years ago

O hey, unrelated but I just noticed the shoutout on the readme, thanks man!

RoyalBingBong commented 6 years ago

encodeURI didn't quite work, since it also encodes slashes and we don't want that.

That said it should be fixed with the next release. Don't know when it will come though. I am currently trying to figure out how to make stuff work with CI (Appveyor, Travis CI)