RoyaleAPI / cr-api

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warlog endpoint, createdDate property seems to be wrong #349

Closed mavinfinity closed 6 years ago

mavinfinity commented 6 years ago

Calling<TAG>/warlog The returned date in createdDate property seems to be wrong, because in the first war in the log (the last in time) the createdDate is not at least 2 days ago.

It seems to be the end date of the war (war endpoint manages "warEndTime or collectionEndTime") or the createdDate of the current war.

Edit: After some more testing createdDate property seems to be the end date of the war, not the start date

bobbelsche commented 6 years ago

jepp createdDate seems to be the wrong name... interpreted as endDate the received data make sence. {'tag': '2V22909Q', 'name': 'bobbelsche', 'cardsEarned': 800, 'battlesPlayed': 1, 'wins': 0, 'seasonNumber': 4, 'createdDate': datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 31, 12, 56, 43)} above are the newest (first) return of 'my' warlog from warlogs which is similar to the data if i click in cr directly. this was the my last fight in season 4 and season 5 has started. now i understood, that all data from the "war" endpoint are fights of seasonNumber=5 which will come later into "warlogs". i think

selfish commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report. This is the property name in the game data. I'm going to leave it as it is for consistency. This is only intended as a unique identifier for wars.