RoyaleAPI / family-config

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[Update]: Removal of Clash of Realms from Clash Dynasty #1072

Open Praeliux opened 1 month ago

Praeliux commented 1 month ago

Family name

Clash Dynasty

Family URL

Family configuration

No response

Additional Info

Clash of Realms is no longer apart of this family. I would appreciate if you could remove this.

If you need more information please contact me on my Discord.

User - Prae4970

GaretJaxxx commented 1 month ago

Message to GitHub / RoyaleAPI.

As founder & owner of Clash Dynasty Family and all the clans in it, including Clash of Realms, I can confirm this clan was stolen from Clash Dynasty by the person making the above request.

As a temporary leader of Clash of Realms, Prae did not ask for or receive permission from me to remove Clash of Realms from the Clash Dynasty family. Please note I am also attempting to regain control of Clash of Realms directly from Supercell.

Therefore, we neither support nor give permission to this request.

if you need further information and context please feel free to contact me and/or the Clash Dynasty Leadership team on Discord.

Many thanks, GaretJax Clash Dynasty Family Founder & Leader Discord: cd_garetjax

Praeliux commented 1 month ago

In reference to the above comment, GaretJax may own Clash Dynasty but has no say at all within our clan and never will as long as I lead.

The claims above are false, not that it even matters. A clan cannot be 'stolen' and I'm certainly not 'temporary' I have all the proof you need if you contact me directly.

Poor effort to gain control of a clan that was once a part of their family. Shocking behaviour that was predicted and I expected nothing less. As I'm sure you're aware, Supercell deem me as leader, which cannot be changed.

I require absolutely no ones permission for these changes to be made as I am leader of Clash of Realms. Please make this a priority to avoid further conflict.

Much appreciated, Prae Discord:- Prae4970

GaretJaxxx commented 1 month ago

Prae, Dont flatter or fool yourself as a leader of skill and virtue where neither are present. It’s one thing to opportunistically ride the coat-tails of somebody else’s efforts and success built up over years, to buy your way into & up 4K and to instigate rebellion…any reward-offering pied piper can do that…but it’s an altogether different skill to breed year-on-year success beyond paying, throwing and stealing your way there.

Any decent person would hand a clan back whose longstanding establishment and growth they had nothing to do with. Indeed, someone wanting to truly demonstrate their leadership qualities would be man enough to start their own clan from scratch. But we aren’t talking about those kind of qualities here - you haven’t got the balls to do that have you. You can’t even create your own server without copying my Discord server approach - sneakily sending people back & forth from CoR into my server to steal ideas. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery but no decent person would be remotely impressed by anything you’ve done. You take what I created and follow my lead of how things need to be done. You’re a Clash Royale cuckoo. And you have the gall to talk about my behaviour when without my efforts and approach you’d actually be and have nothing in the game. See the irony?

So take your grubby ill-gotten spoils. I’ve had no desire whatsoever to keep CoR after its last capable and loyal leader, CD-Master, stepped down. And don’t bother replying, I’ve got home grown and original clans and servers to run.

@GitHub - please action the excision of Clash of Realms from Clash Dynasty with as much haste as possible. Thank you for your ongoing support and time given to help able leaders manage their clan groups.

Praeliux commented 1 month ago

We are finished talking with you Garet. Atleast I'd have the balls to return a DM, shame you couldnt articulate a response in respect of our departure. Must suck to finally acknowledge the balls no longer in your court.

False accusations yet again. You know for a fine fact I wouldnt send anyone to you. I have absolutely zero interest in your family or your server any longer. This was a majority vote, we are not a dictatorship like yourself. Theres a reason I didn't lose a single member to you when we pulled. Even after you & your cronies tried to purge my clan and take my players whilst you covertly banned me from your server. Thats a total of 50 members, now ask yourself again, who demonstrates correct leadership skills?

You have no say anyway. Regardless if you had desire or not. I take it supercells been in touch. Just remember, this is our response to your actions.

Take it easy and good luck on your journey.

@github - the approval from the almighty himself has been given. Please, dont keep us tied to this name any longer.