Royalphax / Revenge

Minecraft / Spigot — Allows passive mobs to attack you when you have them too bothered.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Game lagging. Task: AggroTask(interval 1) #10

Open thijs-p opened 2 years ago

thijs-p commented 2 years ago

Game is lagging in 1.16 due Task: AggroTask(interval 1) Did not put extreme high values in the config.


Plugin Revenge

by Royalpha


Enable melee mode and set the desired radius

If enabled, when an animal starts his aggro on a player

all entities in radius will attack the player (Skeletons, Zombies,... too).

melee-mode: enable: true radius: 60.0 only-same-species: true

Particle to show when a mob fight a player.

Put 'null' to show no particles.

Go here to customize particles:

hit-particles: "null"


If enabled, the head of the player aggro by the animal will be displayed above it.

enable: false

Description is the message displayed above the head.

description: "&bI want to kill %PLAYER%"

Allows animals to have more "realistic" movements and behavior.

random-behavior: false

Allows animals to bleed.

animals-blood: false

Allows animals to looks like a bit more angry.

angry-mood: true

Enable or not the mob aggro without provocation.

-> if true, each mob will attack a player if he is at a distance lower than the radius value.

<!> This can cost you a lot of RAM.

global-revenge: enable: false radius: 50.0

Disable worlds


Configured mobs list

moblist: CREEPER: enable: true name: 'Creeper' speed: 1.0 damage: 0 damage-interval: 0 hit-radius: 2.5 percent: 50 stop-time: 400 stop-blocks: 60 death-message: '%PLAYER% was killed by a %NAME%' SPIDER: enable: true name: 'Spider' speed: 1.0 damage: 2.0 damage-interval: 0 hit-radius: 2.5 percent: 100 stop-time: 400 stop-blocks: 60 death-message: '%PLAYER% was killed by a %NAME%' SKELETON: enable: true name: 'Skeleton' speed: 1.1 damage: 4.0 damage-interval: 0 hit-radius: 2.5 percent: 100 stop-time: 400 stop-blocks: 60 death-message: '%PLAYER% was killed by a %NAME%' ZOMBIE: enable: true name: 'Zombie' speed: 0.90 damage: 4.0 damage-interval: 0 hit-radius: 2.5 percent: 100 stop-time: 400 stop-blocks: 60 death-message: '%PLAYER% was killed by a %NAME%'

ddman1211 commented 2 years ago

f dev!!!