RoystonS / BetterBravoLights

Utility for controlling lights on a Honeycomb Bravo Throttle from Microsoft Flight Simulator
MIT License
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Install required version of .NET separately to reduce download and installation size #43

Open RoystonS opened 2 years ago

RoystonS commented 2 years ago

Software version



Right now we ship all the required .NET framework files with BBL. That's responsible for about 95% of the download and installation size of BBL. If a user already has the right version of .NET (not unlikely given that many other MSFS tools use .NET) it's a bit of a waste of time.

Also, pre-installing .NET as part of bootstrapping an installer (see #41) would mean we could use a .NET DLL during the installation process, which would make exe.xml-corruption fixing and the like much easier.


Depends on #41