RozDavid / LOL

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How to build tensorflow_ros_cpp? #5

Closed zhuziyu-edward closed 3 years ago

zhuziyu-edward commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to run your program, but I find it hard to compile tensorflow_ros_cpp. Could you please provide more detailed installation guide for us to follow? I am using ubuntu 16.04, do I have to manually compile tensorflow for this tensorflow_ros_cpp?

RozDavid commented 3 years ago

Hey @zhuziyu-edward,

So as _tensorflowcatkin and _tensorflow_roscpp are already included in this project, this shouldn't be too hard problem.

First install the required CUDA components, namely Cuda, Cudnn and NCCL. For me a quite helpful guide was this. Then please check your CUDA and CUDNN versions with:

nvcc --version and cat /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn.h | grep CUDNN_MAJOR -A 2

And replace your path variables and version numbers here in this Cmake file.

Then running the catkin build with catkin build tensorflow_ros_cpp in your catkin workspace root should work without an error. Please provide me further information if you are stuck with any of the steps or getting an error.

Note: Cublas header are changed above Cuda10.0, so better choose a previous release, or you have to use some workaround for _tensorflow_roscpp

zhuziyu-edward commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot, I have successfully installed and run your code.

RozDavid commented 3 years ago

Happy to hear that! I will close the issue now.