RozbehSharahi / bootstrap_grids

TYPO3 Extension "bootstrap_grids"
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missing grid-structure @ tabs from content #24

Closed xerc closed 4 years ago

xerc commented 7 years ago

Tabs from Content [[GRID-2],[GRID-2]] --> GRIDs are not rendered

bildschirmfoto 2017-02-10 um 15 04 00 bildschirmfoto 2017-02-10 um 15 02 23
laxap commented 7 years ago

You may change the typoscript configuration to support other grids in simple tabs.

tt_content.gridelements_pi1.20.10.setup { tabsSimple.columns.101.renderObj.20 > tabsSimple.columns.101.renderObj.20 =< tt_content }

If you change it you may have to set the header layout of some content elements to hidden. Otherwise the headers will be used as tab titles and shown in the tabs!




xerc commented 7 years ago

the problem occour if the content is in a SIMPLE-TAB on a sub-page and rendered via TS

  table = pages
  select.pidInList = this
  renderObj = COA

but caused by a wrong/missing {field:uid} the headers can not be fetched from database @

[70] where = tx_gridelements_container={field:uid}
laxap commented 7 years ago

Did you try switching from insertData to dataWrap?

Instead of:

where = tx_gridelements_container={field:uid}
where.insertData = 1


where.dataWrap = tx_gridelements_container={field:uid}

Don't know if it works but dataWrap instead of insertData helped already in another case.

xerc commented 7 years ago

yes - tried both ways but without change looks like the second query has wrong PID

pid = 3

SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE (tx_gridelements_container = 57 AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND tt_content.t3ver_state<=0 AND<>-1 AND tt_content.hidden=0 AND (tt_content.fe_group='' OR tt_content.fe_group IS NULL OR tt_content.fe_group='0' OR FIND_IN_SET('0',tt_content.fe_group) OR FIND_IN_SET('-1',tt_content.fe_group)) AND colPos != -2 AND pid = 3 AND tx_gridelements_columns IN (101) AND sys_language_uid IN (-1,0) ) ORDER BY sorting ASC IN (1)

SELECT header, uid, tx_gridelements_container, sorting, as pid, tt_content.t3ver_state as t3ver_state FROM tt_content WHERE IN (1) AND tx_gridelements_container=57 AND (tt_content.sys_language_uid =0) AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND tt_content.t3ver_state<=0 AND<>-1 AND tt_content.hidden=0 AND (tt_content.fe_group='' OR tt_content.fe_group IS NULL OR tt_content.fe_group='0' OR FIND_IN_SET('0',tt_content.fe_group) OR FIND_IN_SET('-1',tt_content.fe_group)) ORDER BY sorting
xerc commented 7 years ago

search for data-field-uid="57" (it is hidden in the content)