RozbehSharahi / bootstrap_grids

TYPO3 Extension "bootstrap_grids"
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Tab Container: Powermail and Google Recaptch #35

Open Sonezi opened 6 years ago

Sonezi commented 6 years ago

On page i have tabs(4) content element, with tab(1) powermail + recaptcha, tab(2) powermail + recaptcha, tab(3)download (not relevant) and tab(4) contact with maps2. Problem is that every tab loads its content again on same page: per example if i have this two powermail forms with recaptcha, recaptcha library loads twice on page and that makes a problem with loading recaptcha when you changing from tab1 to tab2. Plugin maps2 generate centered map on loading page but when you click on tab containing maps2 plugin a map window is gray out it doesn't know where is the height and width of container, because tab element generate new size properties.. if you trigger via javascript, map windows is fine but it cannot center map on pin by the same reason it doesnt know how to calculate height and width. $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) { // Trigger map resize when tab is shown var map = document.getElementById('maps2-410'); // var currCenter = map.getCenter(); google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); // map.getCenter(); });

Do you have some solution to this problem?
