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about: svg sprit icon system #46

Open Rplus opened 8 years ago

Rplus commented 8 years ago

How to work with SVG icons by Florens Verschelde 2016-03 http://fvsch.com/code/svg-icons/how-to/

Inline sprite & External sprite 的優缺點對照圖可以參考一下~

Rplus commented 8 years ago

svg-sprite https://github.com/jkphl/svg-sprite https://github.com/jkphl/gulp-svg-sprite

intro: » Case Study: Our SVG Icon Process Cloud Four Blog by Tyler Sticka 2016-02-02 http://blog.cloudfour.com/our-svg-icon-process/


intro ✨Musings on Front-End Development and Design✨ by Una 2016-01-26 http://una.im/svg-icons/