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Specific correspondence analysis in R
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Check out the functions in CAinterpreter #97

Open antongrau opened 8 years ago

antongrau commented 8 years ago

janhovden commented 8 years ago

Nice tip, Anton. Some of these - like the graphical representation of contributions - may be fun to play with when emerging oneself in the data (which qualitative researchers often think are a distinct feature of qualitative analysis, but we know they are of course wrong). By the way, the new label.repel-feature worked a treat! Really love your work with this. My only "feature request" would be a Rcmdr Plugin. The FactoMineR plugin is OK, but would be much preferred for us liking the Le Roux/Rouanet approach to MCA. All the best, Anton.

antongrau commented 8 years ago

I have never used Rcmdr but given the time I will look into a Rcmdr plugin. They are probably not that difficult to make. FactoMineR has recently gotten some very nice features. For instance they now have specific mca and with the explor package there is a very fancy interactive interface. I am looking into writing functions for conversion between the two packages, but at first glance it seems to be a larger project than I hoped for.