RuanJY / SLAMesh

ICRA2023, A real-time LiDAR simultaneous localization and meshing method.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to save the results? #5

Closed BizzareNathan closed 1 year ago

BizzareNathan commented 1 year ago

Nice work!Thank you for your sharing! To further evaluate the work, could you please tell me how to save the point cloud and mesh results?

RuanJY commented 1 year ago

now you cansave mesh by: set parameter save_mesh_map in yaml file to true. A ply file should be saved in salmesh_ws/slamesh_result.


RuanJY commented 1 year ago

By the way, if you want to save the accumulated raw point cloud, set the parameter save_raw_point_clouds as true, it should be ok.

RuanJY commented 10 months ago

Hi, I have update the code and you now can save the mesh and report more easily.

发件人: FPSychotic @.> 发送时间: 2023年9月12日 1:47 收件人: RuanJY/SLAMesh @.> 抄送: RUAN, Jianyuan [Student] @.>; Mention @.> 主题: Re: [RuanJY/SLAMesh] How to save the results? (Issue #5)

hi , following that steps I'm no able to save the pointcloud or the mesh. Modifying : bool save_mesh_map = true; map_glb.filterMeshGlb(); mesh_pub.publish(map_glb.mesh_msg); if(save_mesh_map){ //at the end, publish global mesh map, may cost seconds std::string file_loc_mesh_ply = param.file_loc_report + param.seq + "_mesh.ply"; map_glb.outputMeshAsPly(file_loc_mesh_ply, map_glb.mesh_msg);

I get : `t_update : 0.12522ms t_draw_map : 0.27658ms ===STEP 149===Time used: 14.13274 ms=== Pose Odom❌ -0.00255 y: 0.01186 z: 0.00245 ^C[rviz-2] killing on exit [slamesher-1] killing on exit break mesh_msg: point 2736 faces: 1674 wrong file location of mesh_msg_to_save to save Saving result TIME ALL STEPS: 1.91765 s TRJ LENGTH : 1.58637 average_time time_average : 12.69967 time_get_pcl : 131.28722 time_down_sample : 1.14409 time_overlap_region: 0.18464 time_overlap_points: 1.99057 time_gp : 7.64966 time_compute_rt : 1.11393 time_update : 0.10677 time_cost_draw_map : 0.26729 Result not saved terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pcl::IOException' what(): : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Could not open file for writing! shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done @.***:~$

@RuanJY By the way, if you want to save the accumulated raw point cloud, set the parameter save_raw_point_clouds as true, it should be ok.

I did: bool odom_available, read_offline_pcd, cross_overlap, grt_available, imu_feedback, meshing_tsdf, full_cover, save_raw_point_clouds{true}, point2mesh{true}, residual_combination{true}; I added {true}, but I dont get anything saved. I'm sorry if im making some obvious mistake, but I'm not very good on this as I have no coding skills.

Would be great the repositiry gives pointclouds and mesh saving activated by default in a standard directory as in home or package root, and desactivate it if needed, I think most people will want activated, specially the mesh. by the way, congratulations, it is a impressive software. `

FPSychotic commented 10 months ago

Thank you, is wonderful People with such knowledge share it with others