Ruben2776 / PicView

Fast, free and customizable image viewer for Windows 10 and 11.
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Order of images when navigating through files in directory #21

Open HoustonNguyen opened 4 years ago

HoustonNguyen commented 4 years ago

When you are viewing an image in a directory that contains many images, you are able to iterate over the files to look at other images in the directory.

However, it is possible to have the order of the images reflect what is currently observed in the directory?

Ruben2776 commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

The order of the sorting is by default set to file name, which is the same ordering as what Windows Explorer uses. The sort function can be changed in the context menu.

However, if you have enabled search subdirectories in the settings window, you might be viewing a collection of images from different folders that can't be sorted exactly the same way as Windows Explorer.

HoustonNguyen commented 4 years ago

Although sorting by name is default, as you have mentioned, it is possible to set any property as the default, including date modified and file size. image

I think it would be very beneficial to scroll through the images as they appear in the windows directory. There are use cases that support scrolling through images sorted by datetime.

Ruben2776 commented 4 years ago

Sort files by -> Last write time Navigate backwards, since you have set it to descending.

The file ordering will be saved the next time you start up the app.

HoustonNguyen commented 4 years ago

Last Write Time does not seem to be the same as Last Date Modified. Is it possible to have it automatically derive order from the directory like Microsoft Photo Viewer, without setting it at all?

Ruben2776 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the slow response. I've tried searching the web and looking through similar image viewers, but I cannot find a solution, since they all use a variation of the same code as I do, which achieves the same results.