RubenKelevra /

Pacman Mirror via IPFS for ArchLinux, Endeavouros, Manjaro plus custom repos ALHP and Chaotic-AUR.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wrapping pacman to optimize for IPFS usage #36

Closed guysv closed 3 years ago

guysv commented 3 years ago

So, as I understood it from following this repo's issues, I think we could use a pacman wrapper to fix some of the shortcomings we currently face.

I wrote a tiny POC (upgrade-only) wrapper for the first point:


A2FLAGS="--conditional-get=true --continue=true --auto-file-renaming=false --remove-control-file=true -x 16"

if [ ! -f /etc/pacman.d/ipfsgateway ]; then
        echo "/etc/pacman.d/ipfsgateway does not exist"

ipfs_gateway=$(cat /etc/pacman.d/ipfsgateway)

# download repo dbs
# horrible hack lol
expac -S "${ipfs_gateway}%r/%r.db" | sort -u | aria2c $A2FLAGS -i - -d /var/lib/pacman/sync || exit $?

if [ ! "$(pacman -Quq)" ]; then
        echo 'nothing to upgrade'

echo "packages to upgrade: $(pacman -Quq | tr '\n' ' ' | fmt --width="$(tput cols)")"
printf "Continue? [Y/n]: "
read -r continue
if [ -n "$continue" ] && [ "$continue" != "y" ]; then

# download packages
pacman -Quq | xargs expac -S "${ipfs_gateway}%r/%f" -- | aria2c $A2FLAGS -i - -d /var/cache/pacman/pkg || exit $?

# install packages
pacman -Su

For the second point, we need you to add that hashes index to the repo, I'd be happy to discuss that!

RubenKelevra commented 3 years ago

Hey cool! Thanks for looking into that!

Have you tried the mirror in the last days (since the 0.8 update)? Most issues seems to be gone actually.

Not sure where the performance issue was.

Sometimes a download stalls, but not sure if that's not an issue with my LTE connection.

To get the hashes from the files you can do something like this:

@guysv wrote

For the second point, we need you to add that hashes index to the repo, I'd be happy to discuss that!

ipfs ls --size=false --resolve-type=false /ipns/

Takes like 2 seconds here. :)

Let me know if this is not what you were searching for.

RubenKelevra commented 3 years ago

Ah and you could also run pacman in a crontab like this every 5 minutes or so. It requires nearly no traffic as only when there are changes the database files get updated. Else IPFS figures out that it got them already.

pacman -Syuw --noconfirm

Additionally this helps obviously with the distribution of the packages as soon as they are released, since most people have a bit higher delay to fetch them - in this case you can already offer the files to them.