RubenVerborgh / SPARQL.js

A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript
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Generate SPARQL queries without ";" or "," #149

Open tfrancart opened 2 years ago

tfrancart commented 2 years ago

Because Sparnatural does text-based search/replace post-processing on the generated SPARQL string, I would need to pass an option to the SPARQL generator to tell it to always use an :s :p :o . pattern for triples inside bgp, and never use the ; or , separators to separate triples with the same subject, or the same subject and predicate.

RubenVerborgh commented 2 years ago

We can accept a PR for this, would you be willing to write the code?

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

It might be interesting to do such operations using SPARQL algebra instead. (as that's what algebra is meant for)

tfrancart commented 2 years ago

See also #71