RubenVerborgh / SPARQL.js

A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript
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Incorrect parsing of `PropertyListPathNotEmpty` #173

Closed LaurensRietveld closed 10 months ago

LaurensRietveld commented 1 year ago

I noticed an issue with object lists and property paths where the test cases in the test-suite do not follow the spec. See e.g. this query:

PREFIX dbpedia-owl:<>
PREFIX rdfs:<>
SELECT ?movie
  ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film ;
    dbpedia-owl:starring [
      rdfs:label "Brad Pitt"@en ;
      ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie
    ] .

This query includes a property path pattern (^dbpedia-owl:starring) that is not allowed according to the spec:

[83]    PropertyListPathNotEmpty      ::=   ( VerbPath | VerbSimple ) ObjectListPath ( ';' ( ( VerbPath | VerbSimple ) ObjectList )? )*

I.e., the ObjectListPath rule (which allows property paths) is permitted at the start of PropertyListPathNotEmpty, but not in the trailing part (here, ObjectList is used)

This issue was introduced in

LaurensRietveld commented 10 months ago

never mind, turns out this rule is mentioned in this errata:

i.e., the behaviour of sparqlJS is correct