Closed Spectror1 closed 7 months ago
It appears to be a mod compatibility bug. Send the list of mods and the \logs\latest.log
'Additional Entity Attributes' (additionalentityattributes:1.18.2-, 'Alex's Mobs' (alexsmobs:1.18.6), 'Ambient Sounds' (ambientsounds:5.0.16), 'Apoli' (apoli:1.18.2-, 'Apotheosis' (apotheosis:5.7.6), 'AppleSkin' (appleskin:2.4.1+mc1.18.2), 'Applied Energistics 2' (ae2:11.6.3), 'Architectury' (architectury:4.10.86), 'AutoRegLib' (autoreglib:1.7-53), 'betterfpsdist mod' (betterfpsdist:1.18.2-1.5), 'Bonsai Trees 3' (bonsaitrees3:3.1.0), 'Bookshelf' (bookshelf:13.2.50), 'Borderless Window' (borderlesswindow:1.18-1.4.0), 'Botania' (botania:1.18.2-435), 'BotanyPots' (botanypots:8.0.16), 'Caelus API' (caelus:1.18.1-, 'Calio' (calio:1.18.2-, 'Catalogue' (catalogue:1.6.2), 'Chunk Animator' (chunkanimator:1.18.2-1.3.4), 'Citadel' (citadel:1.11.3), 'Cloth Config v4 API' (cloth_config:6.4.90), 'Clumps' (clumps:8.0.0+15), 'Cobble For Days' (cobblefordays:1.5.1), 'CoFH Core' (cofh_core:, 'Comforts' (comforts:1.18.2-, 'CommonCapabilities' (commoncapabilities:2.8.2), 'Configured' (configured:2.0.0), 'ContentTweaker' (contenttweaker:1.0.0+13), 'CraftTweaker' (crafttweaker:9.1.197), 'Create' (create:0.5.0.e), 'CreativeCore' (creativecore:0.0NONE), 'Cucumber Library' (cucumber:5.1.3), 'Curios API' (curios:1.18.2-, 'Cyclops Core' (cyclopscore:1.16.0), 'Domum Ornamentum' (domum_ornamentum:1.18.2-1.0.50-ALPHA), 'Enhanced Mob Spawners' (spawnermod:1.8.17), 'Ex Machinis' (exmachinis:1.0.2), 'Ex Naturae' (exnaturae:1.18.2-2.0.0), 'Ex Nihilo: Sequentia' (exnihilosequentia:1.18.2-20221105-143505), 'Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - AE2 Addon' (exnihiloae:1.18.2-20220607-014628), 'Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - Mekanism Addon' (exnihilomekanism:1.18.2-20220608-005057), 'Ex Nihilo: Sequentia - Thermal Expansion Addon' (exnihilothermal:1.18.2-20220608-014416), 'Eyes in the Darkness' (eyesinthedarkness:1.2.7), 'Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone' (feature_nbt_deadlock_be_gone:2.0.0+1.18.2), 'Ferrite Core' (ferritecore:0.0NONE), 'Flux Networks' (fluxnetworks:, 'Flywheel' (flywheel:0.6.5), 'Forge' (forge:40.1.76), 'GeckoLib' (geckolib3:3.0.54), 'Gravestone Mod' (gravestone:1.18.2-1.0.2), 'Immersive Armors' (immersive_armors:1.3.8), 'IntegratedDynamics' (integrateddynamics:1.11.11), 'IntegratedDynamics-Compat' (integrateddynamicscompat:1.11.11), 'Inventorio' (inventorio:1.7.5), 'Iron Chests' (ironchest:1.18.2-13.2.11), 'Iron Furnaces' (ironfurnaces:3.3.2), 'Just Enough Items' (jei:, 'libnonymous' (libnonymous:2.1.0), 'LibX' (libx:1.18.2-3.2.18), 'Mantle' (mantle:1.9.31), 'Mekanism: Additions' (mekanismadditions:10.2.5), 'Mekanism: Generators' (mekanismgenerators:10.2.5), 'Mekanism: Tools' (mekanismtools:10.2.5), 'Mekanism' (mekanism:10.2.5), 'Minecraft' (minecraft:1.18.2), 'Mod List Paster' (modlistpaste:1.3.0), 'Mowzie's Mobs' (mowziesmobs:1.5.31), 'Music Player' (musicplayer:, 'Mystical Agriculture' (mysticalagriculture:5.1.2), 'Not Enough Crashes' (notenoughcrashes:4.1.4+1.18.2), 'Nyf's Spiders 2.0' (spiderstpo:2.0.2), 'Oh The Biomes You'll Go' (byg:1.4), 'Origins: Accessibilities' (oriacs:1.0.2), 'Origins: Classes' (origins_classes:1.1.6), 'Origins' (origins:1.18.2-, 'Origins++' (origins_plus_plus:1.5.3), 'Patchouli' (patchouli:1.18.2-71.1), 'Pehkui' (pehkui:3.6.0+1.18.2-forge), 'Pipez' (pipez:1.18.2-1.1.5), 'Placebo' (placebo:6.6.6), 'Prelaw's Tremors Mod' (prelaws_tremors_mod:0.1.0), 'Quark' (quark:3.2-358), 'Quark Oddities' (quarkoddities:1.18), 'Refined Storage' (refinedstorage:1.10.3), 'Repurposed Structures' (repurposed_structures:5.1.14+1.18.2), 'Scannable' (scannable:1.7.6), 'Shrink' (shrink:1.3.3), 'Sophisticated Backpacks' (sophisticatedbackpacks:1.18.2-, 'Sophisticated Core' (sophisticatedcore:1.18.2-, 'TerraBlender' (terrablender:1.18.2-, 'The One Probe' (theoneprobe:1.18-5.1.2), 'Thermal Cultivation' (thermal_cultivation:, 'Thermal Expansion' (thermal_expansion:, 'Thermal Foundation' (thermal_foundation:, 'Thermal Innovation' (thermal_innovation:, 'Thermal Integration' (thermal_integration:, 'Thermal Locomotion' (thermal_locomotion:, 'Thermal Series' (thermal:, 'The Twilight Forest' (twilightforest:4.1.1423), 'Tinkers' Construct' (tconstruct:, 'TLSkinCape' (tlskincape:1.25), 'U Team Core' (uteamcore:, 'Valhelsia Core' (valhelsia_core:1.18.2-0.3.1), 'Valhelsia Structures' (valhelsia_structures:1.18.2-0.1.0), 'Whisperwoods' (whisperwoods:1.18.2-2.1.0), 'Xaero's Minimap' (xaerominimapfair:22.16.0), 'Xaero's World Map' (xaeroworldmap:1.28.2), 'XL Packets Renewed' (xl_packets_renewed:1.3.1), 'YUNG's API' (yungsapi:1.18.2-Forge-2.2.6), 'YUNG's Better Desert Temples' (betterdeserttemples:1.18.2-Forge-1.3.1), 'YUNG's Better Dungeons' (betterdungeons:1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0), 'YUNG's Better Mineshafts' (bettermineshafts:1.18.2-Forge-2.2), 'YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments' (betteroceanmonuments:1.18.2-Forge-1.0.3), 'YUNG's Better Strongholds' (betterstrongholds:1.18.2-Forge-2.1.1), 'YUNG's Better Witch Huts' (betterwitchhuts:1.18.2-Forge-1.0.1), 'YUNG's Bridges' (yungsbridges:1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0), 'YUNG's Extras' (yungsextras:1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0)
is that it?
I can't tell which one of the mods is causing issues - there are too many of them with no obvious signs of conflict in the logs. If you'll find which one by removing them and testing, please let me know.
after some testing and turning off one mod at at time. in my own mod pack i fixed the issue once i disabled create. but when i tested it in a clean modpack with only inventorio and create the issue never popped up.
the mods that i have narrowed down to. consist of create and origins classes together. the following list is all the main mods and the mods needed for them to work. if more info is needed just let me know
Mods list -caelus api 1.18.1-30.0.2 -cloth config api 6.4.90-forge -create 1.18.2-0.5.0.e -flywheel forge 1.18.2-0.6.5 -inventorio 1.18-forge-1.17.5 -kotlin for forge 3.7.1-obf -origins 1.18.2- -origins classes -forge 1.1.6 forge version 40.1.84 minecraft version 1.18.2
I can't tell which one of the mods is causing issues - there are too many of them with no obvious signs of conflict in the logs. If you'll find which one by removing them and testing, please let me know.
I can't tell which one of the mods is causing issues - there are too many of them with no obvious signs of conflict in the logs. If you'll find which one by removing them and testing, please let me know.
the problem is with origins classes for forge, just removed it and it was ok again
Thank you!
I'll keep this open since the problem is still there.
ok :)
Is this issue still present in the latest 1.20 versions?
Is this issue still present in the latest 1.20 versions?
Yep, still there (srry for my skin, It was a prank for my friend)
Ok thanks, I'll take a look. In the meantime there's a global setting to lock the 2x2 crafting grid in the Inventorio screen so that the vanilla one must be used.
Alright, after a lot of testing, I narrowed the bug down to this function override in "Origins: Classes", mainly the extra copy
they have there. The official Fabric version doesn't do this. But even though this is technically an issue with "Origins: Classes" and not Inventorio, it was very simple to work around, which is what I now did. The fix will be available in the next release :tada:
Whenever you try to craft an item inside Inventorio's inventory, the crafted item does not waste the resources used to make it.