RuckusWirelessIL / pentaho-kafka-consumer

Apache Kafka consumer step plug-in for Pentaho Kettle
Apache License 2.0
66 stars 40 forks source link

Consumer not getting any message from kafka #1

Closed rahulbsw closed 10 years ago

rahulbsw commented 10 years ago

Consumer not getting any message from kafka , i do see message when i run from kafka console consumer, but with PDI kafka consumer step doesn't receive any message also there is no error.

Below Properties i have tired

topic = test Message Limit = 0 (default) Read Timeout (ms) =1000 ( also tried with 0 and 100000) =group1 zookeeper.connect =localhost:2181 =pentaho1 (also tied with default) =pentaho1 (also tied with default) auto.commit.enable =false (also tied with default) auto.offset.reset =smallest (also tied with default)

spektom commented 10 years ago


Can you provide more information like:

Also, can you try first starting the Kettle transformation, then start sending the messages to the Kafka topic? Kafka consumer doesn't start reading messages from the beginning (which I'm planning to change by introducing a relevant flag).


rahulbsw commented 10 years ago

After upgrading to 1.1 version consumer working fine. Kafka consumer to start reading messages from the beginning would be nice feature to have