Rudd-O / homeassistant-meteoswiss

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: :switzerland: Meteo Swiss Integration for Home Assistant (forked from websylv)
74 stars 8 forks source link

Warning: The meteoswiss integration is using deprecated forecast. This stops working in version 2024.3.0 #26

Closed jiiins closed 8 months ago

jiiins commented 10 months ago

Just FYI...

davee640 commented 10 months ago

Will there be an update?

beathoch commented 9 months ago

Will there be an update?

mikispag commented 9 months ago

A maintainer just needs to merge #27.

sereros commented 8 months ago

@Rudd-O could you please merge ?

Rudd-O commented 8 months ago

Thanks so much for the contribution @mikispag. The PR needs to be rebased onto master but other than that it looks quite good and I will merge it once that's done.

wulfstone commented 8 months ago

Just stumbled upono the same issue. Much appreciated @mikispag ! Looking forward to the updated version.

yvansandoz commented 8 months ago

Same issue on my side, waiting for the updated version also.

Rudd-O commented 8 months ago

It's gonna git merged boys! Drumroll...

yvansandoz commented 8 months ago

Sorry for asking, is it going to be merged in the "forked" version?

Rudd-O commented 8 months ago

It's already merged in the forked version. The official version is broken and won't work anymore.