Rudd-O / homeassistant-meteoswiss

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: :switzerland: Meteo Swiss Integration for Home Assistant (forked from websylv)
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Python Problem #9

Closed capo42 closed 8 months ago

capo42 commented 1 year ago

Hey there

Iam quite sure you saw that already, but to track it here as well..

After Installing March update the Integration stoped to ork. Here the Logfile sentance:

Logger: homeassistant.setup Source: First occurred: 13:57:25 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 13:57:25

Setup failed for custom integration meteo-swiss: Requirements for meteo-swiss not found: ['hamsclientfork==0.2.3'].

Regards Capo

Rudd-O commented 8 months ago

Please delete the meteo-swiss folder from under config/custom_components, then re-add the integration (it's now named meteoswiss). A name change necessitated a change in where the integration is installed.