Ruggero1912 / TrainerApp

Trainer-side app of TrainAround
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GATTserver broadcast trainer information + characteristics' descriptions #3

Open Ruggero1912 opened 2 years ago

Ruggero1912 commented 2 years ago

The GATT server should broadcast the name of the trainer / the name of the training session, so that the Athlete's client app would show some information useful to select the right training session. Required:


Ruggero1912 commented 2 years ago

at the moment it is broadcasting the UUID of the ATHLETE_INFORMATION_SERVICE:

AdvertiseData data = new AdvertiseData.Builder()
                //TODO: broadcast the trainer name and a right UUID that should be knwown by the client app
                //.addServiceData(new ParcelUuid(AthleteInformationService.ATHLETE_INFORMATION_SERVICE), "trainerApp".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
                .addServiceUuid(new ParcelUuid(AthleteInformationService.ATHLETE_INFORMATION_SERVICE))
                //FENOM: TODO: add service UUID here (ma vanno aggiunti gli UUID di tutti i service o solo di uno basta?)

It could be useful to broadcast also the name of the trainer, but not mandatory IMO