Rui-Chun / ESP32-CSI-Collection-and-Display

A real-time ESP32 CSI collection and display tool
MIT License
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Slow acquisition #2

Open Anto1n opened 1 year ago

Anto1n commented 1 year ago

Hello ! I am actually working on esp32 and I found your work very interesting. I have a question to ask you. After I flashed an active_ap esp32 and an udp_client one and I launched, I only have 1 or 2 fps. It is very low compared to your video and I would like to know if you made some particular configuration with the esp32 in the " menuconfig" tool Thank you in advance for your answer

Rui-Chun commented 1 year ago

I suggest you read the output from ESP32 serial port (esp-idf monitor). A possible reason is that the mac address list is not configured correctly. I just updated the README file about this issue.