RuleML / issues-ruleml

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Holog Should Allow per Attribute in Any Term Within op Child of Expr #77

Open HaroldBoley opened 6 years ago

HaroldBoley commented 6 years ago

Implement accepted option of -

HaroldBoley commented 6 years ago

Modify holog_expansion_module.rnc

Const.type.def = (Ind-datt.choice & reInd.attlist), Ind.value


Const.type.def = (Const-datt.choice & reConst.attlist), Ind.value

where (Const-datt.choice & reConst.attlist) is the attribute pattern for Const.

Add to same file:

Const-datt.choice |= interpretation-att-inf.choice

reConst.attlist &= reInd.attlist
HaroldBoley commented 6 years ago

Rename into

Make op edges explicit if they wrap something other than Fun or Rel (see below).

HaroldBoley commented 6 years ago

Create test/rnc-test-suites/functional-test-suite/hologconstper_fail.ruleml.

Copy this file into xsd-test-suites/ and modify the associated schema information. Execute above plan.

Rename test/rnc-test-suites/functional-test-suite/hologconstper_fail.ruleml into .../hologconstper.ruleml.

Rename test/xsd-test-suites/functional-test-suite/hologconstper_fail.ruleml into .../hologconstper.ruleml.

The op edge cannot be skipped if it wraps something other than Fun or Rel, because the normalizer wouldn't otherwise work correctly.

E.g., use

<Expr><op><Const per="value">c</Const></op> ... </Expr>
