RuleWorld / rulebender

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Problem in running RuleBender on HiDPI screens #218

Open OleksiiR opened 4 years ago

OleksiiR commented 4 years ago

Dear colleagues,

I have a problem in running RuleBender on a laptop with high resolution screen (high dots per inch, HiDPI). Everything related to RuleBender is very small and hardly readable. I found in internet that I have to pass -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2 to the java virtual machine, but it is unclear how to do it, because RuleBender is a binary and not an edible script. The rest of java applications are scaled normally, because since since Java 9 the GDK_SCALE environment variable is used to scale applications, and only RuleBender uses java version "1.8.0_161".

Could you please help me to scale RuleBender?

OS: OpenSUSE 15.2 Desktop environment: KDE Plasma

Kind regards, Oleksii Rukhlenko

ASinanSaglam commented 4 years ago

Hi @OleksiiR

Can you try passing the argument to the RuleBender binary directly when you are running it? I tested passing the argument to RuleBender and it correctly recognized it on my end but I don't have a HiDPI screen to test the result.


OleksiiR commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the reply. Yes, the argument passes, but it does nothing. Even if you do not have HiDPI screen, if this would work you would have seen bigger symbols in RuleBender. So, it must be passed in some other way.

BTW, I found the advice here:

Best regards, Oleksii

ASinanSaglam commented 4 years ago

I'm taking a look at this now. As a side note, you can edit RuleBender.ini to add in command line arguments to start up (though the uiScale argument doesn't seem to work for this issue).

ASinanSaglam commented 4 years ago

OK, you need to use swt command line arguments for this and add the options right after -vmargs in the RuleBender.ini file

e.g. RuleBender.ini file


I don't think the -Dswt.enable.autoScale=true is necessary, more information on -Dswt.autoScale=X options can be found here

Edit: I wouldn't copy paste the .ini file, this is for a windows machine, just edit yours and add the swt options.

OleksiiR commented 4 years ago

Thank you! The icons look bigger, however, not all fonts are properly scaled. I manually changed all available fonts in Window->Preferences, but the some fonts are still small. Here is a screenshot.


ASinanSaglam commented 4 years ago

Hi @OleksiiR I'll take a look at the other issue in a second but did you ever resolve this? I haven't encountered this issue on my end and forgot to take another look after, sorry about it.