Rune580 / LethalCompanyInputUtils

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Wondering if this is an issue or something im doing wrong #5

Closed KlutzyBubbles closed 6 months ago

KlutzyBubbles commented 6 months ago

After i updated my mod (BetterEmotes) anyone who updates my mod and the input utils from 0.3.0 to 0.4.x gets this.

The way i recreated it was

then the error message happens and my mod doesnt load.

Not sure if this is an issue with the way i am using this api in my mod or if there is something wrong with the api. Any help would be wonderful.

[Error  : Unity Log] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path.
Stack trace:
System.IO.FileSystem.MoveFile (System.String sourceFullPath, System.String destFullPath) (at <787acc3c9a4c471ba7d971300105af24>:0)
System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) (at <787acc3c9a4c471ba7d971300105af24>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions.ApplyMigrations () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions.Load () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.LcInputActionApi.RegisterInputActions (LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions lcInputActions, LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.InputActionMapBuilder builder) (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions..ctor () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
BetterEmote.Keybinds..ctor () (at <86f8da6698ff4a20a6103822b1001418>:0)
BetterEmote.EmotePatch..cctor () (at <86f8da6698ff4a20a6103822b1001418>:0)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'BetterEmote.EmotePatch' threw an exception.

Someone from discord also got this error from a similar recreation method

[Error  : Unity Log] IOException: Cannot create a file when that file already exists
Stack trace:
System.IO.FileSystem.MoveFile (System.String sourceFullPath, System.String destFullPath) (at <787acc3c9a4c471ba7d971300105af24>:0)
System.IO.File.Move (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName) (at <787acc3c9a4c471ba7d971300105af24>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions.ApplyMigrations () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions.Load () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.LcInputActionApi.RegisterInputActions (LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions lcInputActions, LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.InputActionMapBuilder builder) (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
LethalCompanyInputUtils.Api.LcInputActions..ctor () (at <4e80a3d6555b4221ba1f0397578b7a49>:0)
BetterEmote.Keybinds..ctor () (at <61a27dac057041a3b729915ef08911cf>:0)
BetterEmote.EmotePatch..cctor () (at <61a27dac057041a3b729915ef08911cf>:0)
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'BetterEmote.EmotePatch' threw an exception.
Rune580 commented 6 months ago

looks like I forgot a check when applying migrations, hotfix in just a few minutes

Rune580 commented 6 months ago

0.4.2 is out, let me know if there are any issues