Would be great If we could compile nginx with ssl support (however, it requires open-ssl and I am not sure how big all the tail dependencies may become). Point is, let's encrypt/acme makes it easy to get widely "trusted" certificates for webservers. Since wireless lan is pretty costly in battery consumption and is not always accessible from all spaces in your, I'd see it as a nice feature to make RuneAduio optionally accessible from the web.
Of course it's not really clever to expose an unprotected rune audio ui but in combination with basic auth or client certs (both just as nginx configs), I'd actually love to use it :).
Would be great If we could compile nginx with ssl support (however, it requires open-ssl and I am not sure how big all the tail dependencies may become). Point is, let's encrypt/acme makes it easy to get widely "trusted" certificates for webservers. Since wireless lan is pretty costly in battery consumption and is not always accessible from all spaces in your, I'd see it as a nice feature to make RuneAduio optionally accessible from the web.
Of course it's not really clever to expose an unprotected rune audio ui but in combination with basic auth or client certs (both just as nginx configs), I'd actually love to use it :).