RuntimeTools / appmetrics

Node Application Metrics provides a foundational infrastructure for collecting resource and performance monitoring data for Node.js-based applications.
Apache License 2.0
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is this being maintained? #659

Open amanthegreatone opened 1 year ago

amanthegreatone commented 1 year ago

is this repo being maintained? I would like to use this for Node18 projects but see that there are build issues for Node16 +

amanthegreatone commented 1 year ago

i have tried using internal node tools to get similar metrics. any comments are welcome. i did not add gc yet but it can be added in a similar manner.

  // timer start time
  let trackingTime = process.hrtime();

  // last cpu usage to get difference from current cpu usage (the diff will give usage over timer period)
  let lastCpuUsage = process.cpuUsage();

  // histogram for event loop monitoring
  const histogram = perf_hooks.monitorEventLoopDelay();

  // monitor cpu, memory, event loop
  const monitor = () => {

    // end time for the timer (diff from start time by passing as arg)
    // hrtime gives nanosecond resolution ([0] seconds, [1] remaining nanoseconds)
    const delta = process.hrtime(trackingTime);
    const nanosec = delta[0] * 1e9 + delta[1];

    // get cpu usage (user and system)
    const cpuUsage = process.cpuUsage();

    // diff from last cpu usage to get % usage over timer interval
    const userUsage = ((cpuUsage.user - lastCpuUsage.user) / nanosec) * 1000;
    const systemUsage = ((cpuUsage.system - lastCpuUsage.system) / nanosec) * 1000;
    transportClient.gauge('cpu.process', userUsage);
    transportClient.gauge('cpu.system', systemUsage);

    // update last cpu usage for next timer cycle
    lastCpuUsage = cpuUsage;

    // get process memory usage
    // Resident Set Size, is the amount of space occupied in the main memory device
    // (that is a subset of the total allocated memory) for the process
    // including all C++ and JavaScript objects and code
    const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage();
    transportClient.gauge('memory.process.physical', memoryUsage.rss);

    transportClient.gauge('eventloop.latency.min', histogram.min / 1e6);
    transportClient.gauge('eventloop.latency.max', histogram.max / 1e6);
    transportClient.gauge('eventloop.latency.avg', histogram.mean / 1e6);

    // reset histogram to start new cycle

    // update timer time for getting diff for next cycle
    trackingTime = process.hrtime();

  // collect process metrics every 5 seconds
  setInterval(monitor, 5000);

i am using statsd as the transport client to gauge metrics to my influxdb via telegraf and then graph it using grafana.

jloveridge commented 1 year ago

Near as I can tell no, it isn't being maintained.