RupertAvery / DiffusionToolkit

Metadata-indexer and Viewer for AI-generated images
MIT License
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[request] sorting in models and other useful requests. #193

Open danrazor opened 8 months ago

danrazor commented 8 months ago

hi, I have been testing the app and it is really good. but there are few improvements that can make it awesome.

  1. sorting in models by usage (higher usage, lowest usage, date usage, star models etc)

  2. ability to move the list of FOLDERS | MODELS | ALBUMS. right now, we can't move albums on top. or any move or stacking.

  3. preview section for images with prompts and meta data is not working.

  4. prompt section should work as other sections. (image viewer, meta data information view etc.

  5. recycle bin should be in the bottom instead of the center as it is now.

  6. Open files from explorer in the DiffusionToolkit. ( for example, if we have a file in explorer, we right click it and OPEN WITH diffusionToolKit to see its metadata and PngInfo. this is very important if just metadata is visible atleast. I know we have drag and drop to viewer to see the image metadata. but if Toolkit adds the image location when it is dropped is cool.

  7. SEARCH by file name! (we have files with mostly codes for names, for example "664503033784428860.png" we should be able to find a file like in explorer by name.

  8. ability to add information from html or logs. (option to write as a separate txt files or writing into the PNG or jpg )

  9. Models tab should also include extracted models list from json and hash from files and pngchunks and metadata from files.

  10. clear search history button (remove the text from drop down search bar, search history.

  11. SORT by FILE TYPE. (PNG, JPG, WebP etc)

  12. Animated PNG files are not visible in the DiffusionToolkit. please add support for that. and Gifs, Mp4, (video formats too since we now have video diffusions easily available.

  13. remove the HEART button from the full screen center to information icon (i). it is almost in the center of the frame and an EYE sore right now.

  14. already marked for Nsfw should indicate the NSFW in a different tone or shade when we see RIGHT click options. (while B blur is OFF, pressing N twice removes NSFW tags.)

  15. sort by image dimensions (for example images are usually 512>768>1024>2048>4096 etc. so it would be very helpful)

  16. CUSTOM tags and search by tags.

  17. Auto tag or auto KEYWORD or auto PROMPT from images (a white cat wearing a black hat on a red mat...)

  18. search via auto tags ( all the pictures of cats, if it has auto tagged cat. it can tag NSFW already.

  19. FIT to preview shortcut should be (SHIFT+F) or (CTRL+F) but currently it is too long (CTRL+SHIFT+F)

  20. FIT to preview should not be LOCKED. it should let us zoom in and out without turning off Fit for preview.

  21. view options in the image viewer. (1.) fit to preview (2.) full size. (3.) fit width (4.) fit height (5.) flip horizontal/ vertical (6.) rotate 90 degree.

  22. Most important! I should not start REMOVING images if a DRIVE is OFFLINE. it should ask if we want it to remove it or not. please understand this is very important. (clicking on offline folders and drive is also making the APP to CRASH.)

  23. GoTO host folder of the image in the diffusiontoolkit. (if i search images, we should be able to goto or open the host folder of that image as we do on the windows explorer. for example, if i search "cat in a hat" then i get related images, but some of them were made in 2023 and some in 2024. and in different folders. we should have an option to GOTO the host folder of selected image WITHIN the diffusionToolkit. please understand this is different from SHOW in EXPLORER)

  24. Search for folder names (sometimes we only remember folder name like "images for project X" where the prompt or file names do not have any relatable information regarding their host folder but folder name is very crucial for the workflow.

  25. and dates or timeline ( very important: search when did we create the images, " 2023-12-23 to 2024-02-21" image_2024-01-24_125958960

whew! sorry for a long list but i believe these are logical options and they will definitely help DIFUSSIONTOOLKIT to grow. I have also mentioned few things in other threads. i hope you are able to find this useful. regards


RupertAvery commented 8 months ago

These are all great ideas and some of them are already planned, or I want to do but haven't spent the time figuring out how.

Idealy these requests should be clearly stated as a title in separate issues to break them up and keep track of each.

Search for folder names

There's a query language but it's not very accessible. The issue is you can search for anything in a prompt, but if I start searching filenames and folders without context, you might get images from some folder you're not interested in.

So in the search field, you can search for:

path: contains (filename or folder)


folder: (exact folder)

it can be mixed with a prompt. just type the prompt first, then add any filters afterwards

and dates or timeline ( very important: search when did we create the images, " 2023-12-23 to 2024-02-21"

it's possible right now, the same way:

(some prompt) date: from (startdate) to (enddate)

yeah I should probably drop the need to type from.

You can also access it in the filter, (CTRL-F), but it's not a great user interface.

A date filter in the nav pane is in the works. I just dislike the default date selector that WPF provides.

danrazor commented 8 months ago

thanks for ur reply.

are you suggesting that i make separate issues so tracking them is easy?

that's is smart.

cheers & all the best

RupertAvery commented 8 months ago

If you can, check if there are existing similar tickets you can update or comment on

danrazor commented 8 months ago

Hi, you suggested _

**"So in the search field, you can search for:

path: contains (filename or folder)


folder: (exact folder)

it can be mixed with a prompt. just type the prompt first, then add any filters afterwards"**


but this is not working for me.

can you provide examples? suppose i have folder in x drive named "FFive23" inside a top folder named "blackhats" what should i type? or can you make provisions for folder or file names in the next build. do not worry about unwanted images.