RupertAvery / DiffusionToolkit

Metadata-indexer and Viewer for AI-generated images
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Update fr-FR.json #251

Open A-Deeley opened 3 days ago

A-Deeley commented 3 days ago

Common.MessageBox.Cancel: I might be missing some context, but there does not seem to be any good translation here. Could you provide a bit of context?

Settings.Images.ThumbnailsPerPage: The correct translation of Thumbnail is Vignette.

Actions.Scanning.Cleanup: The word Nettoyage (meaning cleaning) in French seems a better fit instead of repeating the word Supprimer / Suppression.

Actions.Scanning.GatheringFiles: The word Depuis in French can only be used when talking about time, not locations (except when used with Jusqu'a). (See Usito French Dictionary)

Actions.Scanning.Status: The original text Analyse de {current} sur {total}... has this meaning in English: Scanning of {current} of {total}. It doesn't flow as well in French however; modifying slightly the text to make it become Scanning in progress... {current} of {total} makes more sense in French.

Metadata.Prompt: Make it consistent with the other translations of Prompt across the app.