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Conventions for Alpha #21

Closed MatthewVita closed 9 years ago

MatthewVita commented 9 years ago


For the alpha release, do we want to consider changing up project conventions to something like: rupert-frontend-* (angular, knockout, react, etc) rupert-backend-* (express, hapi, etc) rupert-data-* (mongoose, etc) rupert-compile-* (es6, etc) rupert-tutorial-* (demo app, ng phonecat)

...we could keep the "base" projects (stassets, rupert-grunt, etc) as is or call them rupert-core-*


DavidSouther commented 9 years ago

I like where you're thinking with this. I don't know if I like that level of separation.

rupert- should be implied core. There will be four core modules - rupert, rupert-grunt, rupert-doorman, and rupert-cashier. The first two provide the critical setup; doorman gives authentication, and cashier will be our base for ecommerce.

rupert-tutorial-* is great; would rupert-example-* or rupert-demo-* be better (does 'tutorial' imply step-by-step directions, and is a subtype of example or demo)?

I don't see a reasonable distinction between frontend, backend, data, and compile. Those should all be plugin, which replaces config. I don't forsee much overlap in plugin names and concerns - eg mongoose is not suddenly going to be handling Websockets, and angular is not suddenly going to be using the filesystem as a database.

@gah-boh I'd love to hear your thoughts on naming.

There is really no longer a possibility to do Hapi support - the assumptions and functionality have moved Rupert from being a small container to being a full-blown HTTP server framework. To be honest, with the alpha release I feel that Rupert will have the same functionality as, and be a competitor to, Hapi. If someone wanted to create a hapi-stassets plugin that would be awesome, but Rupert itself has grown beyond that level of flexibility.

MatthewVita commented 9 years ago

Works for me!

DavidSouther commented 9 years ago

Great - Unless @gah-boh has any input, I'll start pushing these Friday; moving projects and bumping versions. Order will be


  1. [x] Stassets update to latest Sane 0.3.10
  2. [x] Mockasing to 0.1.1
  3. [x] rupert to 0.3.1
  4. [x] rupert-config-[angular,bootstrap] to rupert-plugin- [Angular 0.1.1] [Bootstrap 0.1.1]
  5. [x] rupert-grunt to 0.1.2
  6. [ ] rupert-config-[angular-material,ionic] to rupert-plugin- 0.1.1
  7. [ ] rupert-config-[esnext,firebase] to rupert-plugin- but still not published.
  8. [ ] rupert-demo-app to deprecated (see rupert-grunt/examples)
  9. [ ] rupert-angular-phonecat to rupert-example-phonecat
MatthewVita commented 9 years ago

Works for me. One more thing... should rupert-cashier be a plugin since it's really not supplying "core" functionality?

DavidSouther commented 9 years ago

Haven't decided. It doesn't exist yet, so no worries on naming issues. It would be pretty unique if Rupert had that, which makes me lean towards top level. But again, that's a decision for later.

DavidSouther commented 9 years ago

I'm closing this, as the remaining issues in teh checklist are not critical.