GIVEN I have a CAIBrain
AND The brain is in MON_AI_SEEK mode
AND I have a target position in the world
WHEN I call Brain::Update()
THEN the Brain will move toward the target position
AI can move toward player's current (last known) position
AI can move toward any given target position
tiger attacks other creatures in the dungeon (rabbits, kobolds, and player)
shaman can cast / summon big spell if they make it to the altar
flock / school / pack behavior
guard patrols
eventually, player will be able to "run" in a direction, and/or choose a target object or position to run toward. this might help that pathing, too. (pathing simple -- run into the wall, don't avoid it)
way future: attach AI brain to "player", make JMoriaBot
GIVEN I have a CAIBrain AND The brain is in MON_AI_SEEK mode AND I have a target position in the world WHEN I call Brain::Update() THEN the Brain will move toward the target position