RussTedrake / underactuated

The course text for MIT 6.832 (and 6.832x on edX)
701 stars 203 forks source link

Link edits in notebooks pset 2 #535

Closed iamsavva closed 5 months ago

iamsavva commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry, the "8 commits ahead" bit is messy. Is that an issue? I can try to fix it.

This change is Reviewable

iamsavva commented 5 months ago

Russ, according to the underactuated-solutions README 2021 Deepnote workflow (2024 seems to mirror that), we should:

  1. edit underactuated-solutions
  2. run
  3. push to underactuated master, wait till it's merged
  4. push to underactuated-solutions

there is a small nit there too, because running wants to make a bunch of small edits to formatting (I think somebody must have run black . on exercises underactuated-solutions but not underactuated).

I think I followed that; should I have done things differently?

as for the link to minimum_time_utils. it's not in the sphinx docs you referenced; referencing the file itself doesn't work.