Russian-Doom / russian-doom

A limit-removing source port of Doom, Heretic and Hexen. It has numerous vanilla bug fixes, enhanced 640x400 and 1280x800 rendering resolutions, improved game palettes and offers many optional aesthetic game enhancements along with the maximum possible translation to the Russian language.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Feature] Truecolor renderer #326

Open NightFright2k19 opened 2 years ago

NightFright2k19 commented 2 years ago

I have tried the experimental truecolor renderer of Crispy Doom and think it's fantastic. While only working for Doom, it provides a significant quality boost for colors, especially from a distance, without losing the vanilla-like aspect of the visuals.

I am playing with this for several weeks now and found just one issue with the ep.3 bunny scroller which is fixed by now, so it seems pretty usable. Therefore, I am wondering how realistic it is to hope for this to be available in International Doom as well at some point.

(A perfect solution would be the ability to switch between 8-bit and truecolor from within the menu, but I doubt it's an easy task. Anyway, in Crispy there's a cvar which can be set to 0 to set 8-bit mode as default.)

Meerschweinmann commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the experimental truecolor renderer from Crispy Doom looks wonderful. In dark areas the colors of textures and sprites don´t change so "hard". They remain the same and get smooth darker or brighter if you go near or far away from them without loosing the vanilla look. In motion the 32bit renderer is more noticable than on still pictures.

It would be nice to see such an option in International Doom.

Here are two pictures. On top from Crispy Doom 32bit renderer and below same in International Doom with 8Bit.

Crispy2-32Bit Inter-DOOM2-8Bit
JNechaevsky commented 1 year ago

Alright, giving my word that will try to port Crispy's true color code sooner or later, it looks really neat in action. And this should be more interesting than retaining demo sync in Hexen. 🤤

Meerschweinmann commented 1 year ago

Nice to read that you like the Crispy 32bit renderer too and want to try to include it in Inter-DOOM :)

NightFright2k19 commented 1 year ago

That's why I am trying to get this into Woof as well. Of course, the 8-bit renderer should always remain available, but having this as an optional enhancement, maybe even via ingame toggle, would probably be the best thing that can happen to a classic port.

However, it comes with some occasional flaws. Look at the sides of the door frame in these screenshots. In 32bpp, the textures are not properly aligned. Hopefully this can be fixed at some point.

Meerschweinmann commented 1 year ago

The texture alignment difference is not caused by the 32bit renderer. Inter-DOOM has a "Fix texture alignment on vanilla maps" feature. You can find it in Inter-DOOM in the "Gameplay" options on one of the last pages. And yes, the 32bit renderer should be an selectable option. Depending on my mood i play with 8bit or 32bit. Same with screen-resolutions.