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Workgroup size from spec constant #150

Open Firestar99 opened 1 week ago

Firestar99 commented 1 week ago

When you use subgroups, you can often simplify code by assuming subgroup size == workgroup size for any subgroup intrinsics. But subgroup size is defined by the HW you are executing on, so what you'd need to do is use a specialization constant to set your workgroup size. You can already do this in glsl since vulkan first released:

The built-in vector gl_WorkGroupSize can be specialized using special layout localsize{xyz}_id's applied to the "in" qualifier. For example: layout(local_size_x_id = 18, local_size_z_id = 19) in; This leaves gl_WorkGroupSize.y as a non-specialization constant, with gl_WorkGroupSize being a partially specialized vector. Its x and z components can be later specialized using the ID's 18 and 19.