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Integrating Rust with C Kernel Modules #1070

Closed r4ve1 closed 3 months ago

r4ve1 commented 3 months ago


I'm delving into Linux kernel module development with Rust and am curious about cross-language integration. Specifically, can existing C kernel modules (like the KVM driver) invoke Rust code? If possible, how should I do so? I've tried add an empty under the kvm's folder and append my_code.o to the objs to be compiled. But the compilation failed with:


Really appreciate for any help, thanks!

vincenzopalazzo commented 3 months ago

Hi, what the command make LLVM=1 rustavailable is telling you?

Looks like that the code that you are compiling required a different version of the rust compiler

bjorn3 commented 3 months ago

This is likely because the new_uninit feature is unknown to rustc unless an (in)direct dependency on liballoc exists. Try adding use kernel; to This will pull in liballoc as indirect dependency. There was a report about this on zulip too recently.

Edit: was the thread about this.

r4ve1 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the support! The integration works well, and I'm excited about the possibilities.


I have two quick questions:

  1. How can I enable rust-analyzer features (syntax highlighting, IntelliSense) for these custom Rust files (i.e. my file locate at arch/x86/kvm/
  2. Is there an automated way to generate C bindings? After exporting functions from Rust to C and build successfully, I noticed no .h files are generated.


use kernel::prelude::*;

const __LOG_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"KVM: ";

pub extern "C" fn hello_from_rust() {
    pr_info!("Hello from rust!");
bjorn3 commented 3 months ago

How can I enable rust-analyzer features (syntax highlighting, IntelliSense) for these custom Rust files (i.e. my file locate at arch/x86/kvm/

You will have to modify to detect your new crate and generate the corresponding entry in the generated rust-project.json file. After that make LLVM=1 rust-analyzer should work as expected. is where it generates entries for all detected rust drivers.

bjorn3 commented 3 months ago

Is there an automated way to generate C bindings? After exporting functions from Rust to C and build successfully, I noticed no .h files are generated.

Currently there is only support for generating Rust bindings from C headers using rust-bindgen. Generating C headers from Rust code is not supported. You could try using cbindgen. See also

r4ve1 commented 3 months ago

All your suggestions worked perfectly! I can now extend KVM with Rust—amazing!

Big thanks and I'll close the issue. Great project!