RustAudio / dsp-chain

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Handle Graph::remove_node index-shifting behaviour #103

Open mitchmindtree opened 9 years ago

mitchmindtree commented 9 years ago

Graph::remove_node causes indices to shift if index isn't the last node.

Options to handle this are:

  1. Leave behaviour but document it.
  2. Make each Slot an Option<Slot> and simply make remove_node set the Option<Slot> to None. Document the assumption that user never calls add_node more than MAX_NODES number of times.

I'm currently leaning towards option 2 - any ideas / input appreciated :)

mitchmindtree commented 9 years ago

Additionally to option 2, we could have the add_node method first check for Option<Slot>s that are set to None and fill those before calling the underlying petgraph::Graph::add_node method. This would add a slight amount of extra work to the add_node method, but would ensure the petgraph::Graphs Vecs never grow larger than necessary.

mitchmindtree commented 9 years ago

Following option 2, a description of what remove_node(idx) would look like might be:

bluss commented 8 years ago

Eddyb actually brought up an interesting datastructure to make such reuse cheap: keep the free slots linked to the next free slot with an enum like enum Entry<T> { Free(NodeIndex /* next */), Occupied(T) }

bluss commented 8 years ago

Here's a proof of concept for the free-slots solution.

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Entry<T> {

pub struct EntryGraph<N, E, Ty = Directed, Ix = DefIndex>
    where Ix: IndexType
    g: Graph<Entry<N>, Entry<E>, Ty, Ix>,
    free_node: usize,
    free_edge: usize,
impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> fmt::Debug for EntryGraph<N, E, Ty, Ix> where
    N: fmt::Debug, E: fmt::Debug, Ty: EdgeType, Ix: IndexType
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        try!(writeln!(f, "{:?}", self.g));
        try!(writeln!(f, "free_node={}", self.free_node));
        try!(writeln!(f, "free_edge={}", self.free_edge));

impl<N, E, Ty=Directed, Ix=DefIndex> EntryGraph<N, E, Ty, Ix>
    where Ty: EdgeType,
          Ix: IndexType,
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        EntryGraph {
            g: Graph::with_capacity(0, 0),
            free_node: !0,
            free_edge: !0,

    pub fn add_node(&mut self, weight: N) -> NodeIndex<Ix> {
        if self.free_node != !0 {
            let node_idx = self.free_node;
            let next = replace(&mut self.g.nodes[node_idx].weight, Entry::Occupied(weight));
            self.free_node = match next {
                Entry::Empty(i) => i,
                Entry::Occupied(_) => unreachable!(),
        } else {
            let node = Node{weight: Entry::Occupied(weight), next: [EdgeIndex::end(), EdgeIndex::end()]};
            let node_idx = NodeIndex::new(self.g.nodes.len());
            // check for max capacity, except if we use usize
            assert!(Ix::max().index() == !0 || NodeIndex::end() != node_idx);

    pub fn remove_node(&mut self, a: NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<N>
        // FIXME: As a PoC, only do compact map for nodes, not edges
        match self.g.nodes.get(a.index()) {
            None => return None,
            _ => {}
        for d in DIRECTIONS.iter() {
            let k = *d as usize;

            // Remove all edges from and to this node.
            loop {
                let next = self.g.nodes[a.index()].next[k];
                if next == EdgeIndex::end() {
                let ret = self.g.remove_edge(next);
                let _ = ret;

        let node_weight = replace(&mut self.g.nodes[a.index()].weight, Entry::Empty(self.free_node));
        self.g.nodes[a.index()].next = [EdgeIndex::end(), EdgeIndex::end()];
        self.free_node = a.index();

        match node_weight {
            Entry::Occupied(w) => Some(w),
            Entry::Empty(_) => panic!("tried to remove vanished node"),


fn entry_graph() {
    let mut g = EntryGraph::<_, ()>::new();
    let a = g.add_node(0);
    let b = g.add_node(1);
    let c = g.add_node(2);
    println!("{:?}", g);
    println!("{:?}", g);
    let d = g.add_node(3);
    println!("{:?}", g);
    println!("{:?}", g);

debug output from the test:

Graph<Directed> {
    0: Node(Occupied(0)),
    1: Node(Occupied(1)),
    2: Node(Occupied(2)),

Graph<Directed> {
    0: Node(Occupied(0)),
    1: Node(Empty(18446744073709551615)),
    2: Node(Occupied(2)),

Graph<Directed> {
    0: Node(Occupied(0)),
    1: Node(Occupied(3)),
    2: Node(Occupied(2)),

Graph<Directed> {
    0: Node(Empty(18446744073709551615)),
    1: Node(Occupied(3)),
    2: Node(Empty(0)),

As you can see there is a "linked list" of indices, free_node pointing to 2, which points to 0, which points to usize::MAX, i.e it's the end.

mitchmindtree commented 8 years ago

Nice one!

I had considered making the nodes Option<N> and adding a separate deque containing the indices of available nodes, but this is a much nicer idea!

Have you considered adding EntryGraph to petgraph?

Or perhaps the option could be added as a type parameter to Graph somehow, maybe something along these lines:

pub trait NodeContainer<N, Ix>
    where Self: Index<Ix, Target=N> + IndexMut,
    fn add_node(&mut self, N) -> NodeIndex<Ix>;
    fn remove_node(&mut self, NodeIndex<Ix>) -> Option<N>;
    // etc...

pub type Entries<N> = Vec<Entry<N>>;

impl<N, Ix> NodeContainer<N, Ix> for Vec<N> { ... }
impl<N, Ix> NodeContainer<N, Ix> for Entries<N> { ... }

pub struct Graph<N, E, Ty, Nc=Vec<N>, Ix=usize>
    where Nc: NodeContainer<N>,
    nodes: Nc,

pub type EntryGraph<N, E, Ty, Ix> = Graph<N, E, Ty, Entries<N>, Ix>;
pub type VecGraph<N, E, Ty, Ix> = Graph<N, E, Ty, Vec<N>, Ix>;

I guess the same idea could be applied to an EdgeContainer also?

bluss commented 8 years ago

I think I want to add it to petgraph, it should be very useful, pretty exciting.

The new kind of graph will not have entirely the same properties as the Graph.

The NodeContainer idea is a bit interesting, it's also how boost graph library does (it's generic over different kinds of containers).

I think it's better to not over-parameterize, we don't really have a nice way to do this. We don't have HKT, so we can't have a type parameter to indicate "Use Vec" instead we need both "Use Vec<E>" and "use Vec<N>". And the algorithm behaviors may be too different, mainly that there is no non-borrowing iterator to list all node or edge indices, maybe that's not such a big deal.

Details will of course become clearer during implementation.