The above experiment works on b6d02f38d40ade7f17af542b9a7b496044ddf821 but does not work on 44aac000be49216ddd00f46aa7e8a05bde4a09f7 (current develop branch)
I did some debugging with rust-gdb and collected the raw buffer of a Note On Midi message in jalv
When compiling against the current development branch the MIDI output does not work
This can be for example tested with the plugin
Example Fitfth (Rust Edition)
for docs/fifthHow to reproduce:
1) jackd -d alsa 2) jalv 3) jack_midi_dump 4) jack_midiseq Sequencer 24000 0 60 8000 12000 63 8000 5) jack_connect Sequencer:out "Example Fifths (Rust Edition):in" 6) jack_connect "Example Fifths (Rust Edition):out" midi-monitor:input
The above experiment works on b6d02f38d40ade7f17af542b9a7b496044ddf821 but does not work on 44aac000be49216ddd00f46aa7e8a05bde4a09f7 (current develop branch)
I did some debugging with rust-gdb and collected the raw buffer of a Note On Midi message in jalv
compared to a working message one can see that there are two additional words
0x00008000 0x00000021
compared to a working sequence atom message