RustCrypto / RSA

RSA implementation in pure Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Feature to import from JWK ? #382

Closed apertureless closed 10 months ago

apertureless commented 10 months ago

Hey there!

I am currently working on a small rust project with rsa to parse and decrypt a json file. Some of the fields of the json file are encrypted with RSA-OAEP with the WebCrypto API and we are using JWKs for the Keypairs. (Private key encrypted with aes-gcm)

The decryption of the base64 encoded private key works, however now I ended up with an untyped json string or my own JWK struct.

However I am stuck how to import it as a RSAPrivateKey. At first I thought ::from_components would be what I am looking for, as I have all rsa key components in the jwk. But I guess I was wrong, as the keys do not match.

tarcieri commented 10 months ago

We have some support for this in the crate

Namely if you parse your JWK to this type:

You can use the TryFrom impl here to decode it to an rsa::RsaPrivateKey:

Though I'm afraid there's not a good example of how to do this.

apertureless commented 10 months ago


Hm, but TryFrom seems to use also from_components internally, right? So this is basically the way to go?

Here's what I have done:

pub struct JsonWebKeyRSA {
    // Algorithm
    alg: String,
    // modulus
    n: String,
    // public exponent
    e: String,
    // private exponent
    d: String,
    // prime
    p: String,
    // prime
    q: String,
    // extractable
    ext: bool,
    // key id
    kty: String,
    // key options
    key_ops: Option<Vec<KeyOperations>>,

impl JsonWebKeyRSA {
    pub fn get_components(self) -> (BigUint, BigUint, BigUint, Vec<BigUint>) {
        let mut n = Vec::<u8>::new();
        let mut e = Vec::<u8>::new();
        let mut d = Vec::<u8>::new();
        let mut p = Vec::<u8>::new();
        let mut q = Vec::<u8>::new();

            .decode_vec(&self.n, &mut n)
            .expect("Failed to base64 decode modulus n");
            .decode_vec(&self.e, &mut e)
            .expect("Failed to base64 decode public exponent e");
            .decode_vec(&self.d, &mut d)
            .expect("Failed to base64 decode private exponent d");
            .decode_vec(&self.p, &mut p)
            .expect("Failed to base64 decode prime 1");
            .decode_vec(&self.q, &mut q)
            .expect("Failed to base64 decode prime 2");

            vec![BigUint::from_bytes_le(&p), BigUint::from_bytes_le(&q)],

And in my main

  let private_key: JsonWebKeyRSA = serde_json::from_str(jwk_private.as_str()).unwrap();
  let (n, e, d, primes) = private_key.get_components();
  let rsa_private_key = RsaPrivateKey::from_components(n, e, d, primes)
        .expect("Failed to build RSA key from components");

However decryption using this key fails. To debug I tried to export it to PEM

let pk = rsa_private_key.to_pkcs8_der().unwrap();
pk.write_pem_file("privatekey.pem", "PRIVATE KEY", rsa::pkcs8::LineEnding::LF)

And compared it to the pem which I exported with web crypto

await window.crypto.subtle.exportKey(

But they do not match. So I thought my initial idea with from_components is flawed.

tarcieri commented 10 months ago

Can you try it with the jose-jwk crate?

apertureless commented 10 months ago

Can you try it with the jose-jwk crate?

@tarcieri Not really, because it looks like jose-jwk does not support RSA-OAEP keys.

Possible types of algorithms that can exist in an “alg” descriptor. Currently only signing algorithms are represented.

If I try to parse it to JWK I am getting the error:

hread 'main' panicked at src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error("data did not match any variant of untagged enum Algorithm", line: 1, column: 3206)

I guess because the alg is RSA-OAEP-256 which is part of the JWE spec.

apertureless commented 10 months ago

Okay, I found my mistake. The code I posted is basically working, I just had to change the BigUInt parsing to big endian. So after replacing




in my get_components I could properly use RsaPrivateKey::from_components