RustCrypto / traits

Collection of cryptography-related traits
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Comments on KEM traits #1508

Open bifurcation opened 7 months ago

bifurcation commented 7 months ago

As part of the work to add an ML-KEM implementation, I took a look at the KEM traits in this repo (in the kem directory). Given that shows only a few dependents, I thought some comments might still be acceptable. Mostly fairly minor things.

In summary, I would probably simplify this interface down to two traits:

pub struct Error; // as now

trait Encapsulate<EK, SS> {
    fn encapsulate(&self, rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> Result<(EK, SS), Error>;

trait Decapsulate<EK, SS> {
    fn decapsulate(&self, enc: &EK) -> Result<SS, Error>;
tarcieri commented 7 months ago

While I'm not sure there's a really standard spelling here, the "-or" ending to Encapsulator and Decapsulator looks odd to me, and inconsistent with other crates in this repo, which use "-er".

FWIW we do use -or in quite a few places: the aead::stream module uses Encryptor/Decryptor (per the STREAM paper), and the rsa traits also use Encryptor/Decryptor:

We do use Signer/Verifier in signature but that's largely because Signor/Verifior aren't words.

I would probably suggest using Encapsulator/Decapsulator since using -er for these seems unusual at best.

rozbb commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the detailed comments! I agree it was weird to hinge everything on EncappedKey. I think the reason was, after a few iterations, that it was the only reasonable way to make the Auth- versions of the traits be consistent with the non-auth versions. Or something like that. But if Auth- is removed, the problem should go away. I'll take a crack at this

bifurcation commented 7 months ago

FWIW, I think you could do something similar for the Auth- versions, something like:

trait AuthEncapsulator<Encap, DK, SS> {
    fn auth_encapsulate(&self, rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore, from: &DK) -> Result<(Encap, SS), Error>;

trait AuthDecapsulator<Encap,  EK, SS> {
    fn auth_decapsulate(&self, enc: &Encap, from: &EK) -> Result<SS, Error>;
rozbb commented 7 months ago

I think Auth- even goes away if you're willing to put the identity keys in Self. Regardless though we probably don't need it for now

conradludgate commented 1 month ago
  • I would refactor this to be more like Signer<S> and Verifier<S>, where the things the two sides need to agree on are in the generic parameters.

  • The analogy here would be Encapsulator<EK, SS> and Decapsulator<EK, SS>, since the encapsulation key and shared secret are the two things that the sender and receiver need to agree on.

I think it was a mistake in retrospect for Signer to be generic. Are there any examples of any key types that implement signer in more than one way to produce different signature outputs?

However, if we are going this route, I personally think the traits should be

trait Encapsulator<EK> {
    type SS;

The pair (EncapsulatingKey, EncapsulatedKey) should be enough to determine the SharedSecret type. Likewise so should the pair (DecapsulatingKey, EncapsulatedKey).

I'd still prefer both of these traits though:

trait Signer { type Signature; }
trait Encapsulator { type EncapsulatedKey; type SharedSecret; }

This generally just helps with inference and if the types don't match it'll still compile fail.

On the topic of object safety, associated types lose you nothing. Instead of

dyn Encapsulator<EK, SS>

You have

dyn Encapsulator<EK, SharedSecret = SS>
tarcieri commented 1 month ago

I think it was a mistake in retrospect for Signer to be generic. Are there any examples of any key types that implement signer in more than one way to produce different signature outputs?

Note: these comments apply primarily to the signature crate.

Yes, it comes up all the time. Check out the ecdsa crate:,+RecoveryId)%3E-for-SigningKey%3CC%3E

There are multiple types/formats for serializing ECDSA signatures including IEEE 1363, ASN.1 DER, and types which are parameterized with an additional OID which identifies the digest algorithm used to compute the signature, not to mention it's used with a 2-tuple as a way to compute an associated RecoveryId which can be used to recover the public key from a signature.

RSA is a similar zoo of multitudes of signature formats.

I'm not sure these concerns apply to the kem crate, however.

conradludgate commented 1 month ago

There are multiple types/formats for serializing ECDSA signatures including IEEE 1363, ASN.1 DER, and types which are parameterized with an additional OID which identifies the digest algorithm used to compute the signature, not to mention it's used with a 2-tuple as a way to compute an associated RecoveryId which can be used to recover the public key from a signature.

In theory, the SigningKey could be parameterised instead, and perhaps the tuple recovery key result should not even be an implementation of the trait but an inherent method. However, I concede the original point, it does have some usefulness I cannot deny

tarcieri commented 1 month ago

signature is already at v2.0 and we don't plan on making breaking changes for years.

In theory, the SigningKey could be parameterised instead

That would preclude a SigningKey being usable for multiple/dynamic signature encodings/formats at runtime, which is important for e.g. KMS systems.

(Also, this is all a bit off topic for this thread, except to contrast with KEM use cases)