RustPython / Parser

MIT License
67 stars 24 forks source link

Publish on #67

Closed samanpa closed 10 months ago

samanpa commented 1 year ago

Is there a plan to periodically publish updates of this crate to Will like to use it externally without depending on git.

If this is not planned please feel free to close this issue.

youknowone commented 1 year ago

Though the API is very unstable and quickly being changed, I want to publish parser related crates to Could you share which APIs do you use? It will be helpful to freeze APIs with priority.

DimitrisJim commented 1 year ago

Could you share which APIs do you use? It will be helpful to freeze APIs with priority.

yeah, this discussion should also be made with other people who use the parser. Probably an RFC would be good to come to a consensus.

mtshiba commented 1 year ago

If your reason for hesitating to publish this crate is that it is unstable and you want people to use the stable version as much as possible, you can publish a "nightly version" as follows:

name = "mtshiba-dummycrate-1"
version = "0.0.0-unstable.0" # The `unstable` part can be any other string. For example, alpha, beta, nightly, etc.
edition = "2021"
description = "A dummy crate for testing"
license = "MIT"


You cannot install this crate with cargo install mtshiba-dummycrate-1, but you can install it by specifying the version explicitly like cargo install mtshiba-dummycrate-1@0.0.0-unstable.0. The same applies to adding dependencies to Cargo.toml.

Even if several versions have already been released, unstable versions cannot be used unless explicitly specified.

(If there is some other reason why a new version cannot be released right now, please ignore it.)

youknowone commented 1 year ago

Parse trait seems very counterintuitive without #81. Other issues doesn't look like blocker for release.

youknowone commented 1 year ago

74 is another wishlist because it breaks API

youknowone commented 1 year ago

I will publish 0.3.0 as current version

youknowone commented 10 months ago

Working on this issue again. It will be done as soon as I resolve crate ownership problems.

youknowone commented 10 months ago

Thank you all for patient! 0.3.0 is now published.