RustyMods / AlmanacClasses

Adds a class system to valheim
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Unable to damage specific entities #1

Open MyriadSpectralSeason opened 5 months ago

MyriadSpectralSeason commented 5 months ago

Since updating to the most version 0.3.2, I am unable to damage specific entities in the game, even when starting a new game and character at 0 EXP.

All enemies unless using a special attack such as whirlwind, etc. This extends to all weapons regardless of damage type. Certain environment entities such as tree stumps, bushes, and bush-like entities. Trees and rocks can still be destroyed. Like the enemies, if there is a special attack for the item, it can damage the entities that way.

The only other mod I have which is similar in nature is WackyEpicMMOSystem and I tested several times over the last hour with one, both, neither, no other mod other than Wacky or this one enabled + dependencies; and the issue only occurs when this mod specifically is enabled.

I do not have any config alterations to the mod file and it doesn't seem to be an issue of null values from high modifiers as previously, the issue only occured when Prestiging beyond 4 or 5 would suddenly cause Entities to be stuck at 0 HP if receiving any non-standard damage instance such as those applied by elements, bleed, thorns, etc. and was not unique to Players but also NPCs as well.

RustyMods commented 5 months ago

whirlwind ? special attack ? what are we talking about ?

so monsters are not dying, they just sit at 0HP ?

any chance you know which talents are active during this issue ?

MyriadSpectralSeason commented 5 months ago

Many of the weapons have an alt attack with M3 when modded (I think this comes from either NorseDemigods or Warfare though I am uncertain), these were the only way for me to deal any damage at all with the current bug. In this case, there is zero hit validation at all to certain instances. All weapons used, spells, vanilla and modded items have the same issue when this mod is Enabled with 0 talents taken that suddenly nothing registers against enemies, stumps/bushes. Only trees but not when they're cut down in segments, and rocks, register and take damage.

I had no such issues like this before updating to the current version and rolling back does seem to fix it. However on all previous versions I ran into similar issues where at Prestige 4 to 5, enemies don't die. They could take damage but once they reached 0 they would be stuck in place where they "died" but were still able to attack if the damage that would've killed them was from any elemental source (Cold, Fire, Lightning, etc but not normal Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing). Reloading the game, or moving far enough to cause that cell to reset would cause them to finally die but it made combat exceptionally tedious. This seems to occur whenever a Talent purchase causes stats to go over 200 or when the modifier of a weapon exceeds 400% in total. It also doesn't matter what causes the damage. NPCs with elemental damage would cause the same issue.

With no Prestige on previous versions, I could get almost everything before reaching the cap and there was no issue at all in those cases.