RustyMods / RegenerativeTerrain

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Causes the games settings window to lockup on ultrawide monitors #1

Open thedaedalus opened 1 month ago

thedaedalus commented 1 month ago

When using this mod with ultrawide monitors it causes the below error when going to the games settings window:

╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Stack Trace ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Exception: Unity Log]

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) [0x00008] in <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0 ↑→ at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[TKey,TValue].ContainsKey (TKey key) [0x00000] in <17d9ce77f27a4bd2afb5ba32c9bea976>:0 ↑→ at RegenerativeTerrain.Managers.VegetationRegeneration+Localization_Localize_Patch.Postfix (System.String text, System.String& __result) [0x00001] in <2ac1db6584384c739a5851d096dac14d>:0 ↑→ at (wrapper dynamic-method) Localization.DMD(Localization,string) ↑→ at Valheim.SettingsGui.GraphicsSettings.UpdateModeStepperInfo () [0x00097] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at Valheim.SettingsGui.GraphicsSettings.OnResolutionChanged () [0x00009] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at Valheim.SettingsGui.GraphicsSettings.RevertMode () [0x00023] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at Valheim.SettingsGui.GraphicsSettings.ResetSettings () [0x00000] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at Settings.ResetTabSettings () [0x00015] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at Settings.OnBack () [0x00000] in <79989041713a40fba2973f1624473248>:0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () [0x00010] in :0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00022] in :0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x0001c] in :0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00009] in :0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00007] in :0 ↑→ at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00067] in :0

and the below screenshot shows what happens to the settings ui


When disabling this mod it doesnt cause this error.

Also I play with a friend on a modded dedicated server and he doesnt have the same issue that I have with this mod enable as he doesnt have an ultrawide he has a standard 1920x1080 resolution.

thedaedalus commented 1 month ago

LogOutput.log here is also the full LogOutput.log

RustyMods commented 1 month ago

that is a strange error indeed. Thank you for the logoutput file.

might take me a while to understand why this is erroring out - this plugin doesn't touch graphics / settings nor does it add any localization.

Error seems to point to a conflict with something else adding localization.. odd. hmmm